Phase one of the Paignton and Preston Seafront masterplan has now finished and LDA Design, the appointed design consultant, is looking at all the feedback received.

The next stage of the engagement will be taking place in May, and this is where LDA Design will be sharing several proposals on how the seafronts and the areas around them could look. These options will also share ideas on where the sea defences that are needed to protect Paignton town centre from flooding could go.

To ensure we hear a wide range of views from those who use the seafront areas, phase two of the engagement will be taking place for three weeks in May, starting on Monday 16 May 2022. This has been planned so the engagement runs over the May half term, including the Jubilee celebrations and the Torbay Airshow, which is taking place on Paignton Seafront.

Councillor Mike Morey, Cabinet Member for Infrastructure, Environment and Culture, said: “We would like to say thank you to the 500 plus residents and businesses that took the time to take part in our first phase of engagement. There was a good turnout at the focus groups and workshops, which helped us to hear from as many people as we could who would be impacted by this work. LDA Design are now reading through all the feedback and compiling a number of options on how we can incorporate an appropriate sea defence scheme to protect the town, as well providing a welcome area for everyone who uses the seafronts. As always, your views are important to us, so please keep an eye out early in May to see how you can take part in the next phase of this engagement.”

Visit the Paignton and Preston Seafront Masterplan page for more information on the improvements to the sea defences and the engagement that has taken place so far.

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