Work began this week to develop nine affordable rent homes including one adapted home at Totnes Road, Paignton.  

This significant milestone demonstrates the commitment both us and TorVista Homes have to increase the supply of affordable homes within Torbay. This will be the first new build project after TorVista was awarded Registered Provider status by the Regulator for Social Housing in March 2021.  

The homes which are due for completion in November 2022, will not only provide much needed housing for local people but will be fitted with air source heat pumps – making them non reliant on fossil fuel heating sources.  

Mi-Space, part of the Midas Group has been appointed to build the new homes and commenced demolition of the two derelict homes that currently occupy the site this week. 

This significant milestone sets TorVista Homes plans in motion to deliver around 350 new homes within Torbay over the next five years.  

Cllr Steve Darling, Leader of Torbay Council, said; “Providing affordable housing that meets the needs of local people is a key priority for Torbay Council. These brand-new homes not only support our Housing Strategy, but they will be fitted with air source heat pumps meaning they will contribute to our vision of becoming a carbon neutral council by 2030.” 

Cllr Darren Cowell, Deputy Leader of Torbay Council, said; "The site has been an eyesore for local people for some time. We're delighted that demolition work has started on site to make way for much needed affordable new homes, with more to come from TorVista around Torbay in the future."

Rick Williams, Chair of TorVista Homes, said; “This is an exciting time for TorVista, and we’re delighted that our vision for developing affordable new homes is becoming a reality. We want to build, safe, quality affordable homes to support and create communities and neighbourhoods where people choose to live.” 

Chris Heron, Operational Manager for Midas, said; "As a locally based business and one of the largest builders of new affordable homes in the region, we are delighted to be under way on this important scheme and very proud to be working with TorVista Homes on its first project."

The properties will be advertised through Devon Home Choice in due course.  

TorVista Homes Limited is part of TDA Group, which is a wholly owned company of Torbay Council.  

TorVista Homes plans to deliver a range of different affordable housing products including, temporary accommodation, Extra Care housing, older persons housing and general needs for social rent, affordable rent and shared ownership.  

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