This year’s Emergency Services Day (999 Day) takes place on Thursday 9 September.

To show support, we will be joining the nation to say thank you to the NHS and all our emergency services for their tireless skill, empathy and hard work.

Locally we'll be shining a light on the work the emergency services undertake all year round to ensure that Torbay residents remain safe and well.

Next week Cllr Terry Manning, The Worshipful the Mayor of Torbay will be visiting emergency service hubs across Torbay to say, ‘thank you’ and to hear about their work.

On Emergency Services Day, the 999 Day flag will be raised on Torquay Town Hall and at 9am there will be a 2-minute’s silence. The Worshipful the Mayor of Torbay, Cllr Steve Darling, Leader of the Council and Chief Executive Anne-Marie Bond will be leading our tribute from outside of the Town Hall. The silence will not only remember those who have died as a result of their service, but pay tribute to those who sacrificed so much during the pandemic and their ongoing example of service to others.

Torbay’s local NHS colleagues have been pivotal in our response throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. As well as caring for all those hospitalised with the virus, and those otherwise needing acute care, our NHS, and particularly GP’s, have worked tirelessly with us to deliver the local COVID-19 vaccination programme. Vaccine take-up in the Bay continues to be higher than most parts of the country and we thank every person who has helped make this happen.

All year-round we work together with its emergency service partners to find solutions and improve outcomes for everyone in Torbay’s communities.

Cllr Jackie Stockman, Cabinet Member for Adult Services and Public Health, said; “We have pledged our support to ‘Emergency Services Day’ to show our sincere appreciation for the two million people who work and volunteer in the NHS and emergency services today. For the last 18 months, at a time of national crisis, our frontline has shown a level of commitment, endurance and compassion which has inspired us all.”

Cllr Christine Carter, Cabinet Member for Corporate and Community Services, said; “There are lots of ways we work with our emergency service partners, to improve outcomes for Torbay’s residents and visitors. From working with local policing teams to tackle crime through our CCTV control room, to multi-agency meetings to protect our most vulnerable adults, families and children and supporting our emergency services with major incidents. I’d like to say thank you to all of our emergency service partners for their year-round response, dedication, commitment and support, often under challenging circumstances that many of us would never experience.”

In addition to recognising the work of emergency services personnel, 999 Day is also an ideal opportunity to promote career and volunteer opportunities across the emergency services. Further information can be found via the national careers service, or by visiting individual websites for Devon and Cornwall Police, South Western Ambulance Service, Devon and Somerset Fire and Rescue Service, the RNLI and HM Coastguard.

Further information on 999 Day can be found via

How we are achieving better outcomes for Torbay’s residents by working with our emergency service partners

Safer Communities Torbay, the name given to Torbay’s Community Safety Partnership brings together key local agencies to deliver multi-agency solutions to tackle various issues such as crime and anti-social behaviour, domestic abuse, sexual violence and exploitation. In 2015, Safer Communities Torbay launched Are You Ok?, a website that offers help, support, advice and resources around domestic abuse and sexual violence for both the public and professionals.

Between 1 January and 31 July 2021, Torbay’s CCTV Control Room has worked with local policing teams to respond to 2,726 incidents ranging from criminal damage, anti-social behaviour, assault and breach of bail conditions.

Through the Torbay Safeguarding Children Partnership, emergency agencies come together to protect children and young people from harm. In March 2021, the council along with Devon and Cornwall Police and Torbay and South Devon NHS Foundation Trust came together to show their support for Child Exploitation Awareness Day. With the introduction of a new Child Exploitation Toolkit, services are now working more closely than ever to respond to children who are victims of exploitation.

A project between us and Devon Air Ambulance has enabled six additional ‘community landing sites’ across Torbay to be established to help patients facing life-changing or life-threatening injuries and illnesses.

Tor Bay Harbour Authority work with the RNLI, HM Coastguard to promote sea safety and assist with any incidents. During the summer of 2020, Harbour Authority staff partnered with Devon and Cornwall Police to tackle reports and incidents of unsafe use of craft and anti-social behaviour at sea or on the coastline.

In the event of a major incident, our Emergency Planning team support the emergency services to help reduce, control or mitigate the impact. Find out more about our role before, during and after an emergency.

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