The recent Transport consultation, which closed on Sunday 14 March, was responded to by more than 800 residents via a public survey, written responses and many public meetings.

The consultation aimed to inform two key transport strategies – the Local Transport Action Plan (2021-26), and Local Walking and Cycling Infrastructure Plan (LCWIP). In addition, the feedback received will also inform a series of Active Travel Fund schemes the Council is going to deliver in 2021.

64% of survey respondents were broadly supportive of proposals in the Local Transport Action Plan and 71% supported proposals in the LCWIP. A key message from the community was that they wanted a transport system that delivered for health, the economy, and tackled climate change. This included wide support for sustainable and active travel.

A full consultation report which demonstrates how all the feedback has been considered will follow in due course. This will include a number of changes to the documentation which takes into account feedback.

In the meantime, the Council would like to draw attention to an immediate change that is being made to the original proposals as a result of a high number of specific comments received during the consultation.

Original plans in the LCWIP included the potential to restrict traffic flow on Victoria Parade as part of supporting an active travel scheme. This proposal will now not include any potential restriction to vehicular traffic and access but will seek to improve conditions for walking and cycling as part of a scheme which makes it a high quality route for all users.

As part of delivering Active Travel and other transport schemes, the Council is committed to further and full engagement with our communities, including the detailed design and delivery of proposals within the LCWIP. The Council will be working with Sustrans and partners to take this forward in a positive and meaningful way.

A full report on the Transport consultation will be taken to Cabinet on 20th April when the next steps will be agreed.

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