If you have symptoms of coronavirus it is essential that you self-isolate and arrange to get tested. Whilst waiting for your test results you must continue to self-isolate, whether or not you still have the symptoms, to prevent the virus being passed on to others.

The mobile testing unit at Torquay Coach Station in Lymington Road will be there until at least Monday 9 November.

Testing capacity is being scaled up nationally, but there will still be some delays as testing centres are all very busy while capacity is being increased. 

When to get a test

  • If you have any symptoms of coronavirus
  • If you have been asked to get tested by a medical professional (for example because you are going into hospital)

The symptoms of coronavirus are one or more of the following:

  • a fever or high temperature
  • a new, continuous cough
  • a loss of or change to your sense of smell or taste.

This video shows how to tell the difference between cold and coronavirus symptoms and when to get a test.

You need to get the test done in the first 8 days of having symptoms.

You can get tested at a site or at home. If you’re ordering a home test kit on day 7, do it by 3pm or it will be too late.

How to get a test

If you have symptoms please book a test as normal online or by calling 119. 

Book a coronavirus test

  • Do not call 111 which is an urgent care service and cannot help with tests.
  • If you can’t get through to book a test, or you are offered a location which is not convenient, please wait a few hours and try again
  • Continue to self-isolate until the test results come through

After you get your test result

Actions you need to take if you test positive:

  • If you test positive for Covid-19 you need to self-isolate for 10 days. This is true even if you subsequently test negative during the isolation period.
  • It is not recommended that anyone who tests positive for Covid-19 takes another test unless they later develop new symptoms.
  • If you have been symptom free for 48 hours you can return to work 10 days after your symptoms first started.

Actions for close contacts of a person that tests positive:

  • Anyone identified by NHS Test and Trace as a close contact of someone who has tested positive to Covid-19 needs to self-isolate for the full 14 day period advised by NHS Test and Trace. This is true even if they themselves test negative during their isolation period.
  • Contacts of people who have tested positive for Covid-19 should only get tested if they themselves develop symptoms OR if they are advised to do so by a health professional.

What does self-isolating mean?

Self-isolating, is a legal requirement and means that you should not leave your home for the specified period of time by NHS Test and Trace. Fines can be issued to those who do not adhere.

If you are on a low income and are unable to work from home you may be entitled to a Test and Trace Support payment.

Self-isolating prevents the virus from being passed to others and will help contain the number of local cases.

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