Councillor Maggi Douglas-Dunbar, The Worshipful Mayor of Torbay today launches the ‘Mayor’s Special Recognition Awards’.

Inspired by stories of young people as they responded to the coronavirus lockdown, the awards will celebrate individual young people across Torbay who are making a difference in their local community or to the environment.

Young people up to the age of 25 will be eligible for the award, with winners being announced on a monthly basis.

Anyone can nominate a young person via the Council’s website, where they will be asked to describe in no more than 50 words the contribution the young person has made to Torbay.

Councillor Maggi Douglas-Dunbar, The Worshipful Mayor of Torbay, said: “I am delighted to be launching these awards, which have been specifically set up to celebrate young people who are making a real difference in our local communities. Perhaps you know a young person who has gone above and beyond throughout the coronavirus pandemic to ensure vulnerable members of the community have been looked after and supported, or someone who has been running a litter picking campaign in their local area – if so, I would love to know more”.

It is anticipated the first award winners will be announced at the end of August, each winner will receive a special certificate and £10 voucher. All winners throughout the year will also be invited to the Annual Meeting of the Council as special guests of the Mayor.

To find out more and to make your nomination visit our Mayor's Special Recognition Awards webpage.


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