In line with government guidance and to help prevent the spread of Coronavirus, we are asking everyone to stay at home, protect the NHS and save lives.

We know it’s tempting especially in the warmer weather, but by going out you could spread the virus to someone vulnerable or catch it yourself - more people will die.

A number of people have asked us about takeaway cafes at venues such as beaches and parks – whilst it is true that currently they are allowed to operate as takeaways, the danger is that people will congregate in groups and spread the virus further.

Councillor Mike Morey, Cabinet Member for Infrastructure, Environment and Culture for Torbay Council, said: “The message is very clear this Easter bank holiday – we all need to stay at home, protect the NHS and save lives.

“This applies to everyone and while we know there are businesses that are still allowed under current rules to operate as takeaways, please be mindful of where and when you use these – takeaway cafes are likely to attract crowds, especially over the bank holiday, and there is no guarantee you can maintain a safe social distance.

“The only reasons you should currently leave your house are to buy essentials such as food, take exercise once a day such as a walk or run, or to go to work if you are a key worker.

“There will be more bank holidays, and more sunny days, so please follow the national guidance – it’s for your own safety as well as others.”

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