Torbay Council’s Future Planning and Transport team would like to hear residents thoughts on the latest projects for improving how people move around the Bay.

These projects have come from feedback provided a previous consultation that took place December 2015, which asked residents for their priorities and if they had any other ideas for the team to consider.

Councillor Mark King, Executive Lead for Planning, Transport and Housing, said: “I would urge all residents to take a look at our plans and provide feedback and comments on how we can help in improving the way they travel around the bay, be it by car, bus, rail, cycle or as a pedestrian.

"The council receives a grant of £5.3 million from the Department of Transport to help us deliver our projects over the next five years but it is clear that not all the projects can be completed with this budget. Which is why comments and feedback from our residents are so important as it helps us to focus and prioritise funding, and to find appropriate external funding, for potential improvements that will have the biggest impact on our communities.”

This latest consultation will end on Sunday 21 February 2016. All comments will be considered and a final version of the 2016/21 Local Transport Implementation Plan will be available in March 2016.

To view the consultation document, which is called Local Transport Plan 3, and to see the results of previous consultations visit: To feedback any comments from this consultation document email

Hard copies of the consultation are also available from local Connections offices, libraries and harbour offices.

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