Following the adoption of the Torbay Local Plan at full Council in December 2015, no legal challenge has been received and the Plan will be published in March 2016.

Planning law requires the local authority to advertise its adopted plan for six weeks after adoption, to provide any interested party with an opportunity to challenge this decision via the High Court.

As no challenge was received work can now proceed on its publication with all supporting documents. The Plan will be available as a printed document and online.

Mark King, Executive Lead for Planning, Housing and Strategic Transport, said: “To get through this final stage in the Local Plan process is great news. It provides a huge confidence boost, for Torbay Council, communities in Torbay and investors. The Plan provides a very clear view of the way forward for the Bay over the next 15 years or so.

“The completion of the Local Plan, the new South Devon Highway, the new masterplans for our town centres and growth areas and the Economic Strategy all provide the foundation for sustainable economic growth in Torbay. We have already seen a significant increase in investor interest in Torbay. The council and the Torbay Development Agency continue to do a huge amount work to bring footfall into our town centres, to bring forward key employment sites such as Claylands, and to deliver transport improvements, such as the Torre to Torquay Town Centre Traffic Reversal Scheme and the work around Edginswell, to complement the new South Devon Highway.”

The new Local Plan and masterplans can be viewed on the Council’s website at and

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