Torbay’s Local Plan reached a landmark milestone last week when it was adopted by full Council.

The Plan, which provides the opportunity to secure new investment and development across Torbay, was accepted without objection.  

The Local Plan supports the delivery of at least 5,500 new jobs and 8,900 new homes before 2030. The plan also reflects a huge desire for economic recovery and growth, new infrastructure to support growth and new homes to meet the needs of the area, while respecting Torbay’s fantastic environmental assets.

This has also come at a time when the opening of the South Devon Highway is generating huge interest from investors and there are signs of an upturn in the fortunes of Torbay. Examples of which include the new developments such as Abbey Sands, which is generating real interest and helping to breathe new life into the Bay; new homes are being built at a faster rate this year than over the last four years; the latest schools Ofsted report states that Torbay is in the top 10 in the country for its primary schools; unemployment is down and new commercial space is being built.

Mark King, Executive Lead for Housing, Planning, Transport and Waste, said: “I am delighted that full Council made the decision to adopt the plan. This is the result of a huge amount of hard work, from councillors, officers and the community over many years. The plan is really positive about the Bay’s future and gives us a really good base to work from to secure new investment, new development and get the best outcomes for Torbay.

“Alongside this new Local Plan we have five masterplans for our key areas of growth, including our Town Centres and Torquay Gateway. That gives a massive amount of confidence and clarity about the way forward for the Bay. Torbay is well and truly open for business.”
Torbay is amongst the top 30% of Local Authorities with an up to date adopted Plan and is in an even smaller number of Council’s where housing numbers have reduced as a result of Independent Examination of the Plan.

Torbay Council has now issued a notice of adoption and published documents, including the adopted Local Plan, on its website  - There is now a six week challenge period, after which if no challenges are received the council will publish the final version of the new Local Plan in mid March.

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