Torbay residents, organisations and businesses are reminded that the seventh Mayor's Forum is taking place on Thursday 29 October in Torquay.

Hosted by Torbay Mayor Gordon Oliver, the evening event at the Riviera International Conference Centre will give everyone the opportunity to hear about new projects and future plans being carried out by the council and its partners.

The forum will cover a variety of subjects, including the following:
• An update on the South Devon Highway by the contractors, Galliford Try.
• Discussion on the “Masterplan- Town Centres” and “The Local Plan”
• Talks on the Integrated Care Organisation and recent changes with the NHS in Torbay.

There will be an opportunity for questions following each of the presentations.

Mayor Oliver said “I would like to take the opportunity to invite along anyone who has a keen interest in what is going on in the bay.

“I believe this would be an enlightening and interesting presentation on some of the key projects and developments that are taking place within the local community which are helping to boost the economy and the prosperity of Torbay for both residents and visitors.”

The Mayor's Forum will take place in the The Forum, Riviera International Conference Centre starting at 5.30pm for 6pm.

Members of the public are invited to turn up on the night .The forum and parking for the event is free. For any other information please call Hellen Jones in the Mayor’s office on 01803 207001 or email

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