Don't forget to have your say on parking in Torbay. Torbay Councils parking consultation is well underway and so far over 1,000 responses have been received.

The consultation is inviting residents, visitors and businesses to share their views on all aspects of parking in the Bay. Issues covered by this review of parking services will include Controlled Parking Zones, Parking Permits, Charges, the use of technology and how the Bay compares with other areas. Ideas can also be put forward on new initiatives such as park and ride or where additional control of parking might be required.

The consultation is also asking for opinions on what services people believe should be made available in car parks and what issues residents are experiencing from parking where they live.

Executive Lead for Community Safety, Councillor Robert Excell, said: “Parking affects the majority of people living and working in the Bay and this consultation is a great opportunity for residents and businesses to voice their opinions over what works and what doesn't. I would like to encourage everyone who hasn't already completed the consultation to do so, as your comments and feedback can help to shape our future plans for parking in Torbay."

The consultation, which will close on Friday 13 November 2015, can be found online at with paper copies available at libraries, Connections and Harbour offices.

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