Torbay Mayor Gordon Oliver said: "Members of the Council and residents will be fully aware of the unprecedented challenges faced by Torbay Council. I have been working hard with Executive Lead members and officers to address these challenges. This has included setting out two year savings proposals in February 2014 – the first time this has been achieved – and bringing forward the consultation process on the budget to ensure all members and stakeholders have had time to discuss, debate and respond to the proposals.

"I make no apology for reiterating that members and officers would not be making these reductions to services but have no choice due to the year on year reduction to local government funding as set out by the coalition government.

"Following on from the consultation with residents and stakeholders and feedback from the Priorities and Resources Panel I have decided that due to uncertainty with the 2015/16 funding from the coalition government and the in-year pressures currently facing the council I am withdrawing the budget savings proposals from the September Council meeting. I will resubmit them to Council for consideration at a future Council meeting.

"The council is facing a number of pressures including those within Social Care - both Children’s and Adults - and there is still uncertainty with respect to a number of service pressures including the impact of Care Act from April 2015, the outstanding Judicial Review for Care Home Fees and creation of the Integrated Care Organisation with health partners. With respect to the budget proposals some areas need to provide further information such as the Connection’s proposals. Therefore, after giving these issues further consideration I have now concluded it is important that sufficient time is allowed to fully consider all of these complex issues before my budget savings proposals are presented to Council."

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