Members of the public and representatives from organisations across Torbay are being invited to a Bay wide event in Brixham to discuss savings proposals for 2015/16.

Torbay Mayor, Gordon Oliver is hosting the public meeting at Brixham College, Higher Ranscombe Road, Brixham on Thursday 21 August 2014, 7pm until 9pm.

People attending will have the opportunity to hear about the financial challenges facing Torbay Council and to discuss the savings proposals with the Mayor, Officers and Executive Leads. Similar events were held in Torquay and Paignton last year and so this time the Torbay meeting will be held in Brixham.

Along with other local authorities, Torbay Council is in the process of identifying savings for 2015/16 to meet the challenges posed by significant grant reductions.

The council has already made savings of over £30 million in the last three financial years and needs to make further reductions estimated at more than £14 million in 2015/16. The majority of this has already been identified and now the remaining saving of £3.8 million is being proposed. Notwithstanding the changes, Torbay Council anticipates spending approximately 3.2 million pound per week on services for people in Torbay during 2015/16. This figure excludes funding for schools and housing benefit payments.

Torbay Mayor, Gordon Oliver said: "At this event we will be focusing on the additional £3.8million savings we have to make next year. If I had a choice we wouldn't be making these reductions - these proposed savings are as a result of the Coalition's unexpected announcement of further reductions in local government finance support.

"Difficult decisions have to be made and we face a big challenge. That is why it is so important to engage with as many people as possible so they can help shape the future of services in Torbay. As I have said before, no final decisions have been made and the views of residents and local organisations will be taken into account before the savings proposals are finalised.

"Everyone is welcome to the meeting to find out more about the proposals and discuss the issues. This event in Brixham is running alongside the eight week consultation and I would encourage as many people a possible to fill in the questionnaire and let their views be known."

The consultation comes to an end on Friday 29 August 2014. Views gathered through it will help to form the final proposals for these service changes. The online consultation can be found at Paper copies will also be available at all Torbay Libraries and in Connections offices.

The Priorities and Resources Review Panel public meetings will also be reviewing and challenging these savings proposals on the following dates:

Monday 1 September 2014

  • Connections
  • Children’s Services
  • Adult Services

Tuesday 2 September 2014

  • Library Services
  • English Riviera Tourism Company
  • Museum Services                                                                                      

Wednesday 3 September 2014

  • Street Wardens/CCTV/Street Lighting
  • Subsidised Transport
  • Fair Trade Group Funding

Written information for the Priorities and Resources Review Panel should be submitted to or Scrutiny Team, Town Hall, Torquay, TQ1 3DR by Monday 18 August 2014. Anyone wishing to speak at the meetings should register by Wednesday 27 August 2014 by contacting the Scrutiny Team on 01803 207063 or further details can be found at

The Overview and Scrutiny Board will then carry out its review of Priorities and Resources on 4 September 2014.

The decision on whether to accept the draft proposals, taking account of the results of the consultation and the views of the Overview and Scrutiny Board, will be made by the Council at a meeting to be held later this year. The cost savings realised from these service changes will be used to develop the 2015/16 budget, which will be set in February 2015.

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