Torbay Council has appointed independent consultants Stride Treglown to prepare Masterplans that consider how Paignton Town Centre and Collaton St Mary should grow and develop over the next 20 years and beyond.

Following a series of drop-in days and workshops in April, an online consultation has been launched to seek to get as many people’s views as possible.

This is also an opportunity to view the exhibition online and look at initial ideas. It is emphasised that these are initial ideas, and there are no finalised plans for the areas yet. This may be accessed at: and the closing date for comments is Monday 2 June 2014.

David Thomas, Deputy Mayor and Executive Lead for Strategic Planning said: “Masterplanning is a great opportunity for people to help shape the future of areas they care about. That’s why the council has put substantial time and money into four pieces of masterplanning work.

"Although it is early in the masterplanning process for Paignton and Collaton St Mary, a large number of people have attended workshops and drop in sessions.

"We’re very keen to share with the wider community what our consultants heard at those events and we want to hear people’s views on these very early ideas.

Consequently, we’re pleased that there is an extended time to make comments online, and in making comments, it’s important for people to recognise that the masterplanning work is its early stages.

"The views of local people provide a valuable basis for the masterplans and emerging masterplanning work is not a statement of council policy.”







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