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Find out more about the work we are doing to regenerate the Pavilion in Torquay.

Updated 17 May 2024

The Pavilion is a Grade II listed building of historic and cultural significance to Torquay. It has been closed since 2013 and needs extensive restoration to be useable.

After months of negotiations, we have agreed an initial deal with the leaseholder to bring the Pavilion back under our control.

Legal teams are finalising the terms of the agreement and once this piece of work has concluded, the building will be formally handed back to us. We are expecting this to be during the summer of 2024.

For some time, it has been a priority of ours to find a solution that not only prevents further deterioration of the building but protects its historic and cultural heritage and provides a positive use for the building, which we know is important to the community. Our Heritage Strategy explains more about our commitment to caring for our historic assets.

Since Town Deal funding was secured, survey work to look at the inner core of the building has taken place. This work will continue in 2024 with the help of a specialist heritage team. This specially assembled team will help us to develop a greater understanding of the condition of the building and what is needed to move the restoration project forward.

Why is it taking so long for anything to happen?

We have been working with and talking to the tenant and other parties for some time to explore various options.

As the Pavilion is a Grade II listed building, that turned 110 years old in August 2022, any works that are undertaken need to be carefully considered and planned for.

External factors such as the War in Ukraine, escalating energy costs, supply chain problems, inflation, increasing material costs, Brexit and the economic fallout from the pandemic have all contributed to driving higher costs for restoration and construction projects across the country.

It is important that any future plans for the Pavilion are viable and sustainable.  

Why is it going to cost so much to restore?

The restoration of historical buildings such as the Pavilion is incredibly complex, costly and time consuming.

The Pavilion was built at a time when construction methods were very different to what they are today. This means that any restoration works must comply with modern construction methods as well as being sensitive to the original design. We also have to take advice from heritage experts such as Historic England.

For example, the original steel framed structure is built on reclaimed land, meaning it would have suffered many years of corrosion.

We also want to ensure that any repair and restoration works futureproof the building for many years to come.

How are you planning to use the building in the future?

We are having discussions with a potential occupier that will enhance our growing cultural offer.

What is going to happen with the rest of the site?

It is likely that the current leaseholder will continue to lease from us the adjacent Marina car park site. The terms of this lease are commercially sensitive and are being dealt with through our legal processes.

Any future developments put forward by the leaseholder will be subject to planning approval.

Organisations working on the project

  • Torbay Council
  • TDA

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