We aim to provide a service that can be appreciated by residents and visitors alike. Each year we strive to maintain and, if possible, improve the many flower and shrub beds across Torbay.
SWISCo and our contractors are responsible for designing and maintaining the shrub and flower beds across Torbay. This sometimes incorporates themes appropriate to the year’s occasions.
All annual bedding designs for the planting seasons are planned in advance of the planting period to allow sufficient time for plant growth and delivery. We start to remove the spring bedding plants between May and June to enable the summer bedding plants to be planted. The re-planting of the beds normally takes between 4 to 6 weeks, during which time beds are prepared and revitalised for their new bedding. This means that beds can look bare for a few weeks, but this is in readiness for a fantastic display from June to October.
These beds are kept reasonably weed free and are regularly replaced/updated. In some areas, we seed wildflowers.
We, like all public sector organisations, continues to face reductions in the level of funding it receives as the Government continues with its deficit reduction plan. As part of the review of our services, budget proposals have been identified which will involve the alteration of some flowerbeds across Torbay. These changes may involve existing beds being reduced in size; replacement with permanent planting; removal with the reinstatement of grass or tarmac; or will be transferred for voluntary management.

Urban flower meadows
Throughout 2021, we are continuing our popular urban flower planting scheme following the popular ones planted at the Italian Gardens in Torquay in 2020.
There’s an increasing recognition that urban flowers (sometimes referred to as wildflowers) are very beneficial for the natural environment - providing pollinators such as bees with local food sources across the seasons, enhancing the natural beauty of Torbay and providing a talking point for local people and visitors.
Urban flowers provide lots of things that insects need: food in the form of leaves, nectar and pollen, also shelter and places to breed. In return, insects pollinate the wildflowers, enabling them to develop seeds and spread to grow in other places.
Many of our favourite fruits, vegetables and nuts rely on insect pollination, for example, strawberries, raspberries and cherries need to be pollinated by insects to get a good crop.
The beds are being planted by SWISCo on our behalf and we hope to be able to share the planting schedule for this year with you very soon.