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Defining heritage

FInd out more about how we define heritage as part of the local heritage grant scheme.

Like the Heritage Fund, we do not define heritage. We ask you to tell us what you think is important and should be preserved. This can mean historic buildings, industrial legacy, and the natural environment, to collections, traditions, stories and more - heritage can be anything from the past that you value and want to pass on to future generations.

Examples of project ideas are:

  • A heritage society wants to fund a programme of local events which celebrate themes in the Heritage Strategy and wants to present these events during the Geopark festival in 2024 to encourage people to learn more about our UNESCO designation.
  • A youth group wants funding to buy equipment to create films celebrating lesser-known local stories so people can discover new facts about their history.
  • A museum wants to create a new exhibition, or buy equipment for public lectures, to reach audiences who have not previously visited.
  • A volunteer group wants to create a new trail to explore a place that is less well known and share its story with local communities to encourage people to come together and be more active.

These are only suggestions. This is a chance for you to think creatively!

Working in partnership

Torbay CouncilNational Lottery Heritage FundEnglish Riviera GeoparkUNESCO Global GeoparkTorbay Culture