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Independent Remuneration Panel

Find out about the independent panel that reviews and recommends allowances for local government councillors.

We are required (under the Local Authorities (Members’ Allowances) Regulations 2003) to establish and maintain an independent remuneration panel to keep the Members’ Allowances Scheme under review and make recommendations to us regarding the Scheme.

Torbay Council operates a Leader and Cabinet model of Governance. A fundamental review of the Members’ Allowances Scheme is undertaken every four years following our Local Government Elections to ensure that the Scheme remains relevant to us in the present climate for local government, with interim reviews carried as and when required.

The Councillors (known as ‘members’) receive a basic allowance which helps to cover the cost of being a member (e.g. telephone charges, broadband, all stationery, paper, postage and travel on non-approved duties etc). Some Councillors who have additional responsibility also receive a Special Responsibility Allowance.

In accordance with the above Regulations, we have received a report from an independent remuneration panel containing recommendations in relation to the Council’s Members’ Allowances Scheme. These recommendations were considered at the Council meeting held on 22 February 2024.

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Become an independent remuneration panel member

We are looking for volunteers to join the Independent Remuneration Panel.

Apply to become a panel member