There are no council homes available in Torbay but social housing is offered by various housing associations such as Sanctuary Housing and Westward Housing.
All social housing available in Devon is advertised through Devon Home Choice.
To be eligible to bid on a property you must apply to join the waiting list.
You will then be assessed and placed in one of 5 bands from A - E. Band A is for people assessed as having a very high priority housing need and band E is for people assessed as having no housing need. If you are placed in band E you will not be able to bid on properties. You can get more information on how applications are prioritised Opens in a new window .
The number of properties available is limited and there is a long waiting list so most people will not be successful in getting a social housing property.
If you are able to bid it can typically take 18 - 24 months to be successful, so if you need to move quickly then you should not rely on this and consider other housing options.
Register with Devon Home Choice Opens in a new window
Once you have registered and are able to bid you can then search to see what properties are available. You need to login to bid.
Search for a home on Devon Home Choice Opens in a new window
Full details on how Devon Home Choice works can be found on the Devon Home Choice website. If you need help in completing your registration or with re-registering or other problems complete the online form below.
Get help with Devon Home Choice
Contact Housing
- Contact us
- Tel: 01803 208723
- Torbay Housing Needs Overview
- Empty Homes
- Homelessness
- Renting a home
- Housing advice for landlords
- Finding a home
- Youth Homeless Prevention
- Houses in multiple occupation
- Advice for homeowners
- Join the housing waiting list through Devon Home Choice
- Your landlord has asked you to leave
- I need a housing inspection to ensure my home is safe
- Electrical safety standards
- Upload your documents to Housing Options
- Worried you might lose your home
- Moving home
- Emergency and Temporary Accommodation
- Refugees statement
- Housing Strategy 2023 to 2030
- Housing Strategy evidence base 2023
- Housing, Community and safety policies and plans
- Plans, policies and strategies
- I am a Council Tenant
- St Kilda redevelopment