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Apply for a deposit bond

Find out how to apply for a deposit bond if you can't afford the deposit for a home you want to rent.

You can apply for a deposit bond once you have found a property. You will also need to meet certain criteria.

  • you must have an essential need to move. This includes (but is not limited to):
    • your rent is unaffordable
    • your accommodation is significantly too small and you need bigger accommodation
    • you are at risk of homelessness
    • you are moving for medical reasons (subject to there being medical evidence)
    • you are fleeing domestic abuse
    • you are leaving temporary accommodation
    • there are exceptional circumstances based on a physical or emotional need to move
    • Housing Standards have said you should move from your current home
    • the landlord hasn't made the essential repairs advised by Housing Standards in time
  • you can't have savings or capital to pay your deposit. We will only award a bond if your household income and savings are below a specific amount.  This is two times the current monthly LHA rate minus essential expenditure. Total household savings is the combined savings of all adults living in the home.
  • we won't award a bond if your behaviour or actions have led to the loss of your current home.
  • you must meet the local connection criteria or receive Housing Benefits.
  • in some circumstances we may award a bond to an applicant for a property outside Torbay
  • the property must meet your needs

Deposit and rent in advance

How you apply for help depends on whether you are getting benefits. 

If you are getting housing benefits or universal credit (housing costs element) you need to apply for discretionary housing payments.

Apply for discretionary housing payments

If you are not getting housing benefits or universal credit (housing costs element) you need to apply for welfare support.

Apply for welfare support

Deposit only

If you need help with a deposit only and do not need rent in advance then contact us.

Contact the deposit bond scheme

You can also visit our Paignton Connections office. Our Customer Services advisors will help you to make an application.

What happens next

We will look at your circumstances and decide whether you can be accepted into the scheme. We will inspect the property before you move in. This is to:

  • make sure it is suitable
  • to record the condition and take a photographic inventory

We will then agree on the details of the deposit bond with the landlord. You and the Landlord will sign the Deposit Bond and the inventory. There will be a copy for both you and the landlord to keep for future reference.

You will be responsible for paying rent and keeping to all the other terms of the tenancy agreement.

If you need help or advice during your tenancy, contact the Housing Options team on 01803 208723.

Contact Deposit Bond Scheme