If the property you are letting meets the definition of a HMO you will need to make an application for a HMO licence and pay the appropriate fee. You need a separate licence for each HMO you run.


We will add conditions to licences to make sure a suitable standard of management is in place. As part of the application process, you will be able to challenge any proposed conditions.


Fees are per licence and last a maximum term of 5 years.

The fee is split into two parts and you can either pay for your licence in two parts or as one payment.

The first part of the fee covers the licence processing fee. This fee is payable when the application is submitted to us. It is non-refundable if the application isn’t successful or you withdraw.

The second part of the fee relates to the administration and compliance of the licence. This fee is payable when we have determined that the licence application has succeeded and must be paid before we release the licence.

Your application is not 'duly made' until both fees are paid and your final licence will not be issued until full payment is received.

Licence application fees
Application type Full Fee Part 1 Part 2
HMO Licensing - New application £1617 £360 £1257
HMO Licensing - New application (enforced) £2128 £360 £1768
HMO Licensing – Renewal application £1,162 £237 £925
HMO Licensing – Renewal application (enforced) £1,377 £237 £1,140

  Make a payment for HMO licence fee


Licence applications are made via the GOV.UK website. When you apply you will need to submit the following:

  • gas safety certificate (if applicable)
  • electrical installation condition report
  • layout plans which show the following for each floor
    • room dimensions (see Devon wide amenity standards)
    • room amenities (e.g. cooker)
    • smoke detectors
    • heat detectors
    • escape windows
    • door positions
  • PAT test (on any goods supplied)
  • fire alarm and emergency lighting certificate(s)

  Apply for a HMO licence

What happens next

We will ask you for the missing documentation or information if your application is incomplete. You will have 8 weeks to submit the requested documents. Failure to submit the missing documents/information within 8 weeks means you are operating an unlicensed HMO and are liable for prosecution or a civil penalty notice.

If this happens we may instigate proceedings or require you to pay the higher ‘forced application fee’.

Refused applications

An application may be refused. Should a licence be refused, we will refund all fees not associated with processing and determining the outcome of the application. 

Planning permission

Planning and HMO Licensing services operate independently. Applying for or obtaining an HMO Licence does not influence the planning permissions of a property. You must have the correct permissions in place before you consider operating an HMO. To check what permissions you currently have please contact Planning


Good Tenant Agreement
As a tenant this agreement is to show that you understand acceptable behaviour and terms of the tenancy agreement which you have agreed to.