Mordred, which is finishing filming this summer, is already gathering international interest, with three articles in New York – based arts magazine NY Elite, and Hollywood-based film production magazine Max-It, as well as various online interviews and podcasts. The film is also supported by the only non-Southwest England team member, the award winning film music composer Michael Klubertanz, from Germany.

Set in the 6th Century, across post-Roman Devon and Cornwall, this drama stars all-local unknown Southwest talent, bringing to life Arthurian legend, in a production researched and adapted from some of the earliest Arthurian legends, exploring some of the earliest tales of Mordred, who appears varyingly in Arthurian legends, as Arthur’s nephew or illegitimate son, and how two equally honourable men came to hate one another, and that hate to lead to a disastrous war.

The film stars two local up-and-coming actors from the southwest, in the two lead roles, Rich Sandford, from Torquay, in his first ever starring role, as Mordred, and Gui Rivaud from North Cornwall, as King Arthur, the production directed by a local female theatre/ film director, for whom “Mordred” is the first feature film that she has directed.

It was considered very important to make sure that we were not making “just another King Arthur film”, and to find a unique adaptation. While novels have been written from Mordred’s point of view, to our knowledge, this has never been transferred to film. That, coupled with spanning Devon and Cornwall, and delving into earlier and less known legends, has created an all new version of the legend.

Time Doors open 3pm

Cost £5

Phone 07855 090589
