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Advice for Food Businesses

Practical Cryptosporidium advice for Food Businesses

As you are probably already aware, South West Water (SWW) have confirmed that low levels of Cryptosporidium has been found in the local water supply in and around Brixham.

SWW are advising residents in Brixham under a boil water notice to boil drinking water until further notice. For updates and to check if your area is affected see here.

For further information on what Crytptosporidium is, who may be affected and the symptoms see Cryptosporidium: public advice - GOV.UK (

Practical Advice for Food Businesses:

If your food business is in the area that still has the boil water notice, please continue to follow this practical advice:

Do I need to boil the water I use in my food business? 

You must boil any tap water that is used for: 

  • food preparation
    • Cleaning of surfaces, equipment, etc., that could come into contact with food or drink.
    • Cleaning beer lines. Beer lines should be cleaned every 7 days as a minimum.
    • Cleaning of crockery/utensils. Where possible use your dishwasher on a 60C+ cycle.
    • Boiling the tap water to a rolling boil will kill any harmful bacteria. Note that water from the hot tap is not safe to use.
  • Making up chemicals such as sanitiser and disinfectant
  • Cold drinks. Do not use post mix syrup dispensing machines (coke, lemonade, soda). Use bottles or cans only.

How long can I store boiled cooled water? 

Boiled water can be stored in a clean, covered container, in a cool area for up to 48 hours. 

Can I use ice/slushi machines I had already prepared before the boil water notice? 

No. Remove and dispose of any ice from the business which has been prepared and should not be used in drinks served to customers. Purchase bags of premade ice as an alternative.

Should I use boiled water to clean the equipment and surfaces that come into contact with food? 

Equipment, worktops, chopping boards or other surfaces that come into direct or indirect contact with food must be cleaned and sanitised using boiled or bottled water. 

Can tap water be used for hand washing? 

Hand washing can be carried out with warm tap water and soap and dry your hands. Do not use hand sanitiser instead of handwashing as it less effective.

Can I use the coffee/tea machines? 

You need to make sure the water in the coffee machine reaches at least 75° C to ensure harmful bacteria are killed. If not, the coffee machine should not be used.  

Hot and cold dispensing drink vending machines should not be used.  

How long will the boil water notice be in place? 

Boil water notices are only lifted when certain criteria, set by the South West Water and UK Health Security Agency have been met.  We are currently being advised 6-7 days but do check the status of the notice here.

What should I do once the boil water notice is lifted? 

You should clean and disinfect all water-using fixtures and equipment, e.g., ice and drinks machines, and to rinse well before re-using.  

My staff have had suspected crypto symptoms, when can they return to work?

Ensure all your staff know that if they have symptoms of sickness and or diarrhoea they cannot return to work until they are 48 hours symptom free.

Bathers should stay away from swimming pools for 14 days after the symptoms have ended. 

Should I increase the frequency of cleaning?

Yes. Particularly hand contact surfaces e.g. switches, handles and flushes. Increase the cleaning of WCs and ensure you use separate cleaning materials for the WC and kitchen to prevent cross contamination.

Free bottled water is being provided by SWW in the following locations:

  • Broadsands Car Park, Paignton
  • Freshwater Car Bark, Brixham
  • Churston car boot field