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Playing fields are an important part of the network of sports facilities and resources across Torbay. The Torbay Playing Pitch Strategy (PPS) plays a vital role in encouraging increased sporting activity, encouraging people to become more active and promoting health and wellbeing in Torbay by helping to ensure that there is a good supply of high-quality playing pitch facilities to meet the current and future needs of the area’s residents and visitors.
Torbay Council, as a major sports facility landowner, motivator and manager plays a key role in the delivery of the Strategy and a Delivery Group (comprising Torbay Council, the TDA, sports governing bodies, Sport England, local clubs, providers, schools and managers of pitches) meets on a six-monthly basis to monitor, action and help deliver change. A wider strategy review will take place every three years.
The PPS has a forward-looking scenario to 2040 to ensure facilities and land are safeguarded if likely to be required. It has been developed following Sport England’s ‘Playing Pitch Strategy Guidance’ (October 2013) and focuses on the ‘main’ playing pitch sports of football, cricket, rugby union and hockey, together with outdoor tennis, bowls, netball, athletics and archery. The guiding principles which underpin the action plans and recommendations for monitoring and delivery are:
In general, the strategy supports the following across all sports: