Registrars customer engagement strategy

Torbay Registration Service is committed to ensuring that consistent customer service excellence and accessibility are integral to the planning, resourcing and delivery of all our services.

Our aim is for standards to be applied across all services, front or back office, and for us to be accountable for this commitment. 

Why is customer service important?

  • For our customers, in obtaining services from us
  • For our staff, in improving their working environment and increasing motivation
  • For upholding the Council’s values, meeting Best Value criteria and delivering Government objectives aimed at improving and modernising public services.

Our staff’s role in excellent customer service

We are looking to develop a Right-first-time approach. Our customer commitment is that our staff will be customer-focused, courteous, trained, competent and committed to the Registration Service.  Staff refers to all officers who deliver services for Torbay Register Office, whether direct employees, part-time employees or casual employees.

Our specific customer service guidelines

Face to face contact

Staff will:

  • Greet customers courteously and professionally;
  • Give customers individual attention and endeavour to approach enquiries from the customer’s point of view;
  • Explain matters in plain English and provide assistance for those customers who need hearing, visual or interpretation assistance.

Waiting times

Customers will not wait more than 5 minutes before beginning their registration.

Telephone enquiries

  • Staff answering a call will answer politely
  • Staff will be helpful and aim wherever possible to resolve the enquiry there and then.
  • Where the right member of staff is not available, where possible, they or another appropriate officer will get back to you within the next working day.

Email enquiries

  • We will acknowledge receipt of all emails within 1 working day.
  • A full response will be supplied within 3 working days of receipt, where possible.

Letters and Faxes

  • We will provide a full response within 3 working days of receipt

Comments and complaints data

We take all comments and complaints about our services very seriously and have a commitment to learn from any errors. Complaints will be actioned in line with the timescales defined within the corporate complaints policy - the policy is viewable at  or in leaflet form from any council reception point.

Continuous improvement

Torbay Council welcomes feedback about our services and will respond positively where areas of improvement are identified. The standards set out are the minimum that our customers can expect and all are specific and measurable.

A commitment to mutual respect

You have the right to expect the best service from us and we will endeavour to provide that service with respect and dignity. In return we ask the same from you.

Where a member of the public has been abusive either on the telephone or face to face, staff will politely but firmly close the conversation and inform their line manager.

The council cannot solve every problem all of the time, but will strive to ensure that the customer is comfortable with the service they have received and with the ‘next action’.

Meeting the diverse needs of our customers

We will treat all people fairly, whatever their age, sexual orientation, religious belief, disability, gender or race. Everyone will have equal access to our services.

Where specific assistance is needed, e.g. hearing loops, assistance with reading or translation requirements, we will endeavour to provide the required assistance.