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Purpose of the planning briefing document

Part of the ERUGGp briefing document for planning.

The ERUGGp is committed to work with all relevant partners to support the retention of the Geopark status for the social and economic benefit of Torbay.  As the importance of the Bay’s geology fulfils the critical underlying criteria for the designation its consideration as part of the planning process alongside appropriate conservation, management and enhancement of the geosites is fundamental to the retention of the status.

Geosite - is a site within the Geopark of significant geological interest, and in the context of this briefing document a designated site.

Key objectives

  • To raise awareness and understanding of the UNESCO Global Geopark designation within Torbay Council's Planning Department
  • To ensure best outcomes of conservation, management and enhancement for all sites of geological importance that contribute to the retention of the UNESCO Global Geopark designation
  • To endeavour to ensure no designated site is lost or damaged as the result of a planning decision
  • To highlight and raise awareness that the bay has a number of sites of potential geological value that are currently undesignated and further sites could come to light in the future via removal of buildings, temporary exposures and in cleared road cuttings
  • To ensure sites of potential geological value are considered, surveyed and if relevant, designated and taken into account to prevent loss or damage
  • To ensure all members of the Geopark Management Group understand the importance of the Groups role and responsibility re commenting on planning applications
  • To ensure consistency of approach
  • To maximise opportunities for the improvement of sites via planning conditions and Community Infrastructure Levy funding for the benefit of the community of Torbay
  • To preserve the geological and geomorphological integrity of sites
  • To preserve site visibility and availability for scientific and educational use
  • To ensure workable, ongoing access arrangement after completion
  • To work to protect the value of sites from any subsequent risks from changes in management, for instance due to new land ownership, tenants, or residents.