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English Riviera UNESCO Global Geopark - Briefing document for planning

How we work to protect, conserve and enhance geodiversity features of importance in the geopark during the planning process.

The English Riviera UNESCO Global Geopark (ERUGGp) is committed to work with all relevant partners to support the retention of the Geopark status which is a driver for education, community benefits, expansion of the tourism offer, and sympathetic regeneration bringing social and economic benefit to Torbay.

As the importance of the Bay’s geology fulfils the critical underlying criteria for the UNESCO Global Geopark designation its consideration as part of the planning process alongside appropriate conservation, management, and enhancement of the geosites is fundamental to the retention of the status. This briefing document aims to raise awareness and understanding of the UNESCO Global Geopark designation within Torbay Council Planning Department and ensure best outcomes of conservation, management and enhancement for all sites of geological importance in relation to planning decisions. It is key to remember that the designation integrates many existing Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) and Regionally Important Geological Sites (RIGS), although the geological value of some exposures has yet to be recognised. As such any new or temporary exposures may reveal new sites of value worth recording and/or protection.

In 2019 the Geopark commissioned a Condition Assessment and Management Recommendations report covering all designated geosites within Torbay.

It must be noted that the UNESCO Global Geopark status imposes no additional legislation over and above that which already exists. Therefore, the decision to commission a survey, or for a survey and works to be added as part of planning conditions rests with the planning department and the cost with the applicant.
