Read the advice document that assists applicants to prepare their application and for officers to consider those minor planning applications that may affect the public highway.
We have now published (July 2018) a standing advice document to assist applicants to prepare their application and for officers to consider those minor planning applications that may affect the public highway. This document should be read in conjunction with the Highways Design Guide for new developments (approved November 2012).
Those minor and householder applications where standing advice is likely to apply will include but may not be limited to:
If a minor application as listed above is considered by us to have a significant impact on the highway network, (highway safety implication, access to a classified or high speed road, or other conflict which is not covered by standing advice, etc) then we may choose to comment in greater detail.
Please note that irrespective of the grant of planning consent by Planning, there may be additional necessary licences or agreements to be secured from us, to allow works on or adjacent to the public highway (such as dropped kerb or crossover).