Find out more about he market trends for the English Riviera.
Market trends for the English Riviera:
The English Riviera is primarily a UK domestic leisure destination, with over three-quarters of visitors on holiday (compared to England’s average of just under half) [5]. Given the ‘holiday focus’ it is unsurprising that 29% of all visits take place in July and August [6]. And, again, not surprising with a holiday focus, visitors stay longer but on average spend less than the typical visitor elsewhere in England [7].
The English Riviera has an impressively high return visitor rate of 89%, who typically rate their experience very highly. Whilst this is a great achievement, it is an issue to consider when coupled with Torbay's typically older visitor profile (71% aged over 55), and the lower satisfaction rates of first-time visitors to the destination [8].
These key statistics paint a picture of a destination which is highly dependent on an ageing market and summer visitors.
To survive and grow, the English Riviera has to target a broader range of market segments, who are able and willing to spend more throughout the year. Impressing these new markets during a first-time visit, to nurture a new generation of loyal visitors should be a top priority, and so the needs and wants of these segments should in turn dictate the investment in new product and experience development.
Three leisure segments have been selected as having growth potential for the English Riviera, drawing on robust research by ERBIDCo, VisitEngland and other UK National Tourist Boards (VisitScotland, VisitWales, Fáilte Ireland). Realising the growth potential of these segments will depend on the development of the offer and so should be built up over time. A fourth business tourism segment has also been identified, as a market to sustain and rebuild, capitalising on the destination’s existing and emerging assets.
Geographically, the primary focus for the English Riviera should be on the UK domestic market, where there is significantly more growth potential and return on marketing investment will be greater. In general, targeting should concentrate on a four-hour travel time for staying visitors.
Immediate priority:
Short-medium term:
Medium-longer term:
Long term - sustain and rebuild: