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Council Business Plan 2024/27

Investing in our future. Delivering the basics well.



Our Council Business Plan is the delivery plan for our Community and Corporate Plan. Whilst the Community and Corporate Plan sets the council’s vision, objectives and priorities for the next twenty years, the Council Business Plan is a more focussed delivery plan of what the council will undertake through until 2027.

The business plan sets out, against each theme of the Community and Corporate Plan, the priority actions which the council will take, together with the key milestones for delivering those actions. It also includes key performance indicators to help us measure our progress towards the outcomes we are seeking to achieve.  The Council’s performance framework will set out how, across the whole organisation, we manage and report our performance against both the Community and Corporate Plan and the Council Business Plan.

We know that whilst Torbay is a fantastic place to live, work and visit we still face big challenges, and that some parts of Torbay suffer from nationally significant levels of poverty. This business plan brings together the key actions we will be undertaking over the next four years to tackle those challenges and improve Torbay for all.

The business plan focuses on transformational activity we will be undertaking, but the council will continue to deliver its day-to-day business in providing important services to our customers. As part of this we will continue to explore and implement ways to improve the delivery of these vital services and identify efficiencies where possible. We will also continue to play our part regionally and nationally in representing and promoting Torbay to ensure our residents get the investment and services they deserve.

Community and People

We want people across Torbay to celebrate success and feel part of their community.

Torbay will be recognised as a child friendly place.  We want all residents, including our children and young people, to feel and be safe and to live well within their communities. 

Everyone will have access to support, information, advice and guidance so they can meet their aspirations. With the best possible education and training, people will be enabled to fulfil their potential.  We will support people to live independently.

Our communities will be encouraged and supported to bring about positive change for the good of Torbay.  People will have a better sense of ownership of the services and activities available to them.  We will minimise barriers for community service delivery whilst maintaining our duty of care and legal requirements.  We will build strong working relationships with our community police. 

Our priorities

We will:

  • Ensure our town centres are safe and welcoming for all (C1)
  • Keep children safe in their communities and provide safe environments for our young people to thrive in (C2)
  • Ensure early intervention is effective and targeted (C3)
  • Provide the best care and support available so that residents are empowered to achieve what matters most to them (C4)
  • Provide clear signposting for those needing our help (C5)
  • Support and encourage community action (C6)
  • Improve wellbeing and reduce social isolation (C7)

The outcomes we want to see

  • All residents are supported to live independent, healthy, active lives, without the need for long-term services
  • Young people in receipt of services from children’s services are prepared for adulthood
  • People with care and support needs feel empowered and can access good or outstanding quality and tailored care and support
  • Carers are identified quickly and provided with the information, advice and support services they need
  • People feel they belong to their local area
  • Gaps in healthy life expectancy between affluent and deprived areas of Torbay are reduced
  • People feel that their physical and mental wellbeing is as good as possible

Priority C1: Ensure our town centres are safe and welcoming for all

  • Action C1.1: Deliver Operation Town Centres 
    • Milestones:
      • Increase collaborative working with police in Torquay - September 2024
      • Introduction of Torbay’s own enforcement team - September 2024
      • Introduction of multi-agency team to work with street attached people - September 2024
      • Devise a partnership action plan to address anti-social behaviour in town centres - October 2024
      • Deliver Safer Streets project (Paignton) - March 2025
      • Undertake Residents’ Satisfaction Survey - July 2025
      • Deliver the Castle Circus and Torquay Town Centre Improvement Program - December 2025
  • Action C1.2: Introduce a residents’ discount scheme
    • Milestones:
      • Explore proposals for a residents’ discount scheme - Spring 2024
      • Launch of residents’ discount scheme and sign-up period - September 2024
      • Start of residents’ discount scheme - January 2025
  • Related Actions
    • Action C2.2 Achieve UNICEF UK Children Friendly Community status
    • Action C3.1 Promote healthy behaviours and environments
    • Action P1.1 Deliver the Council’s Housing Strategy
    • Action P1.3 Provide support for those who are homeless
    • Action P2.1 Deliver town centre regeneration schemes (including associated affordable housing)
    • Action P2.2 Deliver as part of the Levelling Up Partnership
    • Action P3.2 Develop and deliver an updated Culture Strategy
    • Action E3.1 Improve transport connectivity and sustainability to, from and within Torbay

Performance Indicators

Community and corporate plan
  • CP1 Percentage of Residents’ Satisfaction Survey respondents who feel very or fairly safe in their local area after dark:
    • 2022/2023 Outturn: -
    • 2023/2024 Outturn: 35.0%
    • 2024/2025 Target: Not due
  • CP2 Percentage of Residents’ Satisfaction Survey respondents who feel very or fairly safe in their local area during the day:
    • 2022/2023 Outturn: -
    • 2023/2024 Outturn: 60.0%
    • 2024/2025 Target: Not due
Council business plan
  • BP1 Percentage of people that describe Torbay as Safe and Welcoming (Annual Visitor Survey):
    • 2022/2023 Outturn: N/A
    • 2023/2024 Outturn: New
    • 2024/2025 Target: Baseline
  • BP2 Number of fixed penalty notices issued by SWISCo’s Enforcement Team:
    • 2022/2023 Outturn: N/A
    • 2023/2024 Outturn: New
    • 2024/2025 Target: Baseline
  • BP3 Number of residents signing up to Residents’ Discount Scheme per year:
    • 2022/2023 Outturn: N/A
    • 2023/2024 Outturn: New
    • 2024/2025 Target: Baseline


  • People feel safe in their local area, during the day and after dark
  • People feel they belong to their local area
  • People feel that their physical and mental wellbeing is as good as possible

Priority C2: Keep children safe in their communities and provide safe environments for our young people to thrive in

  • Action C2.1: Fully embed the Family Hub model across Torbay
    • Milestones:
      • Completion of virtual Family Hub, including review and update of remaining information in relation to Children’s Services on the Council’s website - June 2024
      • Recruitment of 3 parent connectors and 24 peer supporters so that families are able to access support in their community - June 2024
      • Network of Family Hub Spokes across Torbay delivering services within underserved areas - July 2024
      • Access to emotional wellbeing support on a 1:1 basis for all new mothers, fathers and co-parents - March 2025
      • Identify opportunities to sustain our Family Hubs once funding ceases - March 2025
      • Review and re-procurement of 0-19 services to support embedding of Family Hub model and support young people with special educational needs and/or disabilities to age 25 - April 2027
  • Action C2.2: Achieve UNICEF UK Child Friendly Community status
    • Milestones:
      • Discovery Phase (6 months) - July 2024
      • Development Phase (2-3 months) - November 2024
      • Delivery Phase (2- 4 years) - 2026-28
  • Action C2.3: Undertake a review of Torbay’s play parks
    • Milestones:
      • Position statement prepared - September 2024
      • Engagement with children and young people - Summer 2024
      • Draft Improvement Plan for Torbay’s Play Parks - December 2024
      • Start in-year budgeted works - January 2025
      • Improvement Plan for Torbay’s Play Parks approved - February 2025
      • Implementation of Improvement Plan for Torbay’s Play Parks - from April 2025
  • Related Actions
    • Action C1.1 Deliver Operation Town Centres
    • Action C3.1 Promote healthy behaviours and environments
    • Action C4.2 Deliver a Carers Strategy
    • Action C5.1 Improve how we signpost to information, advice and guidance
    • Action C6.1 Consider how community action can be encouraged, supported and rewarded
    • Action C6.2 Develop a plan to support Torbay’s community centres
    • Action C7.1 Help people to live well and independently
    • Action P1.1 Deliver the Council’s Housing Strategy
    • Action P1.3 Provide support for those who are homeless
    • Action P5.4 Improve road safety, especially around schools and address speeding traffic spots
    • Action E1.1 Improve the skills and qualifications of our residents, including children and young people
    • Action E3.1 Improve transport connectivity and sustainability to, from and within Torbay

Performance Indicators

Community and Corporate Plan
  • CP3 Rate per 10,000 children of cared for children at the end of the period:
    • 2022/2023 Outturn: 124
    • 2023/2024 Outturn: 118
    • 2024/2025 Target: 115
  • CP4 Percentage of the Torbay child population living in one of the 20% most deprived areas:
    • Next set of results due: 2025
    • Last known data (2019): 30.1%
Council business plan
  • BP4 Percentage of contacts to Children’s Services progressing to early help services in the period:
    • 2022/2023 Outturn: 28%
    • 2023/2024 Outturn: 31%
    • 2024/2025 Target: 35%
  • BP5 Annualised rate per 10,000 children of referrals to Children’s Services in the period:
    • 2022/2023 Outturn: 822
    • 2023/2024 Outturn: 745
    • 2024/2025 Target: 755
  • BP6 Percentage of referrals in the period that were previously open to Children’s Services within the last 12 months:
    • 2022/2023 Outturn: 22%
    • 2023/2024 Outturn: 27%
    • 2024/2025 Target: 23%
  • BP7 Percentage of cared for children in the period with three or more placements in the last 12 months:
    • 2022/2023 Outturn: 21%
    • 2023/2024 Outturn: 18%
    • 2024/2025 Target: 14%
  • BP8 Percentage of cared for children aged 15 or under at the end of the period who have been cared for children for 2.5 years or more, who have been in the same placement for two years or more, or who are currently placed for adoption and their current and previous placement totals two years or more:
    • 2022/2023 Outturn: 61%
    • 2023/2024 Outturn: 66%
    • 2024/2025 Target: 66%
  • BP9 Annualised rate per 10,000 children of children becoming cared for in the period:
    • 2022/2023 Outturn: 44
    • 2023/2024 Outturn: 29
    • 2024/2025 Target: 28
  • BP10 Number of requests for new Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP) assessments (YTD):
    • 2022/2023 Outturn: 349
    • 2023/2024 Outturn: 333
    • 2024/2025 Target: Monitoring only
  • BP11 Number of those receiving support via the family hubs:
    • 2022/2023 Outturn: 28,983
    • 2023/2024 Outturn: 32,690
    • 2024/2025 Target: 35,000


  • Fewer children need to be cared for by the Council
  • All residents are supported to live independent, healthy, active lives, without the need for long-term services
  • Young people in receipt of services from children’s services are prepared for adulthood
  • People with care and support needs feel empowered and can access good or outstanding quality and tailored care and support
  • People feel they belong to their local area

Priority C3: Ensure early intervention is effective and targeted

  • Action C3.1: Promote healthy behaviours and environments
    • Milestones:
      • Launch an “Active Travel” campaign to encourage walking and cycling - March 2024
      • Undertake the Development Phase Review of the implementation of the Torbay on the Move Strategy and its associated action plan - May 2024
      • Training delivered to teachers and early years leaders to maintain good infection control practice, promote vaccine uptake, and tackle anti-microbial resistance - March 2025
      • Review and re-procure public health services to support healthy behaviours:
        • New sexual health contract - July 2025
        • Healthy behaviours - May 2026
      • Expansion of community delivery of blood pressure checks and peer support - March 2025
  • Related Actions:
    • Action C1.1 Deliver Operation Town Centres
    • Action C2.1 Fully embed the Family Hub model across Torbay
    • Action C7.2 Support young people who experience SEND to live independently

Performance indicators

Council Business Plan
  • BP12 Percentage of physically inactive adults:
    • 2022/2023 Outturn: Not yet published
    • 2023/2024 Outturn: Not yet published
    • 2024/2025 Target: Monitoring only
  • BP13 The estimated proportion of people who are dependent on opiates and/or crack cocaine, not in the treatment system:
    • 2022/2023 Outturn: 43.0%
    • 2023/2024 Outturn: 38%
    • 2024/2025 Target: 36%
  • BP14 The estimated proportion of people who are dependent on alcohol, not in the treatment system:
    • 2022/2023 Outturn: 64.9%
    • 2023/2024 Outturn: 59%
    • 2024/2025 Target: 57%
  • BP15 Treatment progress measure (all substances) – showing substantial progress:
    • 2022/2023 Outturn: 54%
    • 2023/2024 Outturn: 48%
    • 2024/2025 Target: 48%


  • Fewer children need to be cared for by the Council
  • All residents are supported to live independent, healthy, active lives, without the need for long-term services
  • Young people in receipt of services from Children’s Services are prepared for adulthood
  • People with care and support needs feel empowered and can access good or outstanding quality and tailored care and support
  • Carers are identified quickly and provided with the information, advice and support services they need
  • Gaps in healthy life expectancy between affluent and deprived areas of Torbay are reduced
  • People feel that their physical and mental wellbeing is as good as possible

Priority C4: Provide the best care and support available so that residents are empowered to achieve what matters most to them

  • Action C4.1: Agree and program the Memorandum of Understanding for Adult Social Care with Torbay and South Devon NHS Foundation Trust, and associated financial transformation plan
    • Milestones:
      • Transformation Plan in place - June 2024
      • Further milestones to be added once Transformation Plan is approved - August 2024
  • Action C4.2: Deliver the Carers Strategy
    • Milestones:
      • Produce a detailed action plan to deliver Torbay Council’s actions in the Devon Wide Carer’s Commitment - September 2024
      • Undertake awareness raising activities during Carers Week - June 2024
  • Related Actions:
    • Action C1.1 Deliver Operation Town Centres
    • Action C2.1 Fully embed the Family Hub model across Torbay
    • Action C3.1 Promote healthy behaviours and environments
    • Action C5.1 Improve how we signpost to information, advice and guidance
    • Action C7.1 Help people to live well and independently
    • Action C7.2 Support young people who experience SEND to live independently
    • Action P1.3 Provide support for those who are homeless

Performance indicators

Community and Corporate Plan
  • CP5 Differential in life expectancy in most deprived ward from least deprived ward:
    • 2022/2023 Outturn: M –11 yrs, F – 6 yrs (2018-22)
    • 2023/2024 Outturn: Not yet published
    • 2024/2025 Target: Monitoring only
Council Business Plan
  • BP16 Percentage of clients receiving Direct Payments:
    • 2022/2023 Outturn: 19.8%
    • 2023/2024 Outturn: 19.2%
    • 2024/2025 Target: 21%
  • BP17 Percentage of adult carers reporting as much contact as they would like:
    • 2022/2023 Outturn: N/A
    • 2023/2024 Outturn: 29.8%
    • 2024/2025 Target: Not Due
  • BP18 Percentage of adult social care users who have as much contact as they would like:
    • 2022/2023 Outturn: 46.3%
    • 2023/2024 Outturn: 47.7%
    • 2024/2025 Target: 47.2%


  • All residents are supported to live independent, healthy, active lives, without the need for long-term services
  • Young people in receipt of services from children’s services are prepared for adulthood
  • People with care and support needs feel empowered and can access good or outstanding quality and tailored care and support
  • Carers are identified quickly and provided with the information, advice and support services they need
  • Gaps in healthy life expectancy between affluent and deprived areas of Torbay are reduced
  • People feel that their physical and mental wellbeing is as good as possible

Priority C5: Provide clear signposting for those needing our help

  • Action C5.1: Improve how we signpost to information, advice and guidance
    • Milestones:
      • Review and update of information relating to Public Health on the Council’s website - December 2024
      • Revise and publicise the Healthy Learning website for schools and professionals - December 2024
      • Review and update of information relating to Community and Customer Services on the Council’s website - December 2024
      • Review and update of information relating to Pride in Place on the Council’s website - January 2025
      • Review and update of information relating to Finance and Corporate Services on the Council’s website - March 2025
      • Enhance and evolve the relevant website within the Family Hubs to enable a “one stop” area for parents and young people to access relevant information to support need - March 2025
  • Related Actions:
    • Action C1.1 Deliver Operation Town Centres
    • Action C2.1 Fully embed the Family Hub model across Torbay
    • Action C4.2 Deliver a new Carers Strategy
    • Action C7.2 Support young people who experience SEND to live independently

Performance indicators

Council Business Plan
  • BP19 Average customer wait time when contacting customer services by phone:
    • 2022/2023 Outturn: 5 mins 54 seconds
    • 2023/2024 Outturn: 4 mins 28 seconds
    • 2024/2025 Target: 5 mins


  • All residents are supported to live independent, healthy, active lives, without the need for long-term services
  • Young people in receipt of services from children’s services are prepared for adulthood
  • People with care and support needs feel empowered and can access good or outstanding quality and tailored care and support
  • Carers are identified quickly and provided with the information, advice and support services they need
  • People feel that their physical and mental wellbeing is as good as possible

Priority C6: Support and encourage community action

  • Action C6.1: Consider how community action can be encouraged, supported and rewarded
    • Milestones:
      • Review of implementation of Community Ward Fund 2023/2024 - June 2024
      • Develop an Engagement and Communications Plan to encourage civic pride and community action - December 2024
      • Establish a Youth Parliament for Torbay - April 2026
  • Action C6.2: Develop a plan to support Torbay’s community centres
    • Milestones:
      • Position statement prepared - March 2025
      • Draft plan prepared for consultation - June 2025
      • Consultation - Summer 2025
      • Agreement of plan - October 2025
      • Implementation of plan - from April 2026
  • Related Actions:
    • Action C2.1 Fully embed the Family Hub model across Torbay
    • Action C4.2 Deliver a new Carers Strategy
    • Action C5.1 Improve how we signpost to information, advice and guidance
    • Action C7.2 Support young people who experience SEND to live independently

Performance indicators

Council Business Plan
  • BP20 Percentage of Community Ward Fund spent:
    • 2022/2023 Outturn: 63.34%
    • 2023/2024 Outturn: 74.64%
    • 2024/2025 Target: 80%


  • All residents are supported to live independent, healthy, active lives, without the need for long-term services
  • People with care and support needs feel empowered and can access good or outstanding quality and tailored care and support
  • Carers are identified quickly and provided with the information, advice and support services they need
  • People feel they belong to their local area
  • People feel that their physical and mental wellbeing is as good as possible

Priority C7: Improve wellbeing and reduce social isolation

  • Action C7.1: Help people to live well and independently
    • Milestones:
      • With the Learning Disability Partnership Board, deliver the Big Plan via a series of projects - March 2024 onwards
      • Agree the delivery plan for adult social care supported housing - October 2024
      • Undertake procurement for a Community Wellbeing and Prevention Service - December 2024
      • Support the VCS-led implementation of the Live Longer Better programme with a target of 600 licences provided - October 2024
  • Action C7.2: Support young people who experience SEND to live independently
    • Milestones:
      • Have in place an effective Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) - June 2024
      • Establish a vision, strategy and governance arrangements for joint strategic planning and commissioning of services - November 2024
      • Create an environment to ensure there are robust joint working arrangements between the partnership to create more consistent outcomes for children with SEND - November 2024
  • Action C7.3: Deliver priorities in the Torbay Suicide Prevention Action Plan
    • Milestones:
      • Deliver the 2024/2025 Annual Torbay Suicide Prevention Action Plan - March 2025
  • Action C7.4: Deliver priorities within the Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence Strategy
    • Milestones:
      • Deliver the Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence Delivery Plan - March 2026
  • Related Actions:
    • Action C1.1 Deliver Operation Town Centres
    • Action C2.1 Fully embed the Family Hub model across Torbay
    • Action C2.2 Achieve UNICEF UK Child Friendly Community status
    • Action C3.1 Promote healthy behaviours and environments
    • Action C4.1 Agree and program the Memorandum of Understanding for Adult Social Care and associated financial transformation plan
    • Action C4.2 Deliver a new Carers Strategy
    • Action C5.1 Improve how we signpost to information, advice and guidance
    • Action C6.2 Develop a plan to support Torbay’s community centres

Performance indicators

Community and Corporate Plan
  • CP6 Percentage of Resident's Satisfaction Survey respondents who feel very or fairly strongly that they belong to their local area (raw data):
    • 2022/2023 Outturn: -
    • 2023/2024 Outturn: 66%
    • 2024/2025 Target: Not due
  • CP7 Directly age standardised suicide rate per 100,000 for Torbay:
    • 2022/2023 Outturn: 16.6 (2020-22)
    • 2023/2024 Outturn: Not yet published
    • 2024/2025 Target: Monitoring only
Council Business Plan
  • BP21 Torbay Domestic Abuse Service - New placements in the service – Adults:
    • 2022/2023 Outturn: N/A
    • 2023/2024 Outturn: 236
    • 2024/2025 Target: Monitoring only
  • BP22 Torbay Domestic Abuse Service - New placements in the service - Number of children who are part of households accessing the service:
    • 2022/2023 Outturn: 690
    • 2023/2024 Outturn: 797
    • 2024/2025 Target: Monitoring only
  • BP23 Torbay Domestic Abuse Service – Number of Multi Agency Risk Assessment Conference repeat cases within 12 months:
    • 2022/2023 Outturn: 136
    • 2023/2024 Outturn: 72
    • 2024/2025 Target: Monitoring only
  • BP24 Proportion of adults in contact with secondary mental health services who live independently, with or without support:
    • 2022/2023 Outturn: 36.1%
    • 2023/2024 Outturn: 17.6%
    • 2024/2025 Target: 18%
  • BP25 Percentage of people with a learning disability in settled accommodation, with or without support:
    • 2022/2023 Outturn: -
    • 2023/2024 Outturn: 83.6%
    • 2024/2025 Target: 80%
  • BP26 Number of concessionary bus journeys:
    • 2022/2023 Outturn: 2,043,586
    • 2023/2024 Outturn: 2,295,672
    • 2024/2025 Target: 2,525,239


  • People feel safe in their local area, during the day and after dark
  • Fewer children need to be cared for by the Council
  • All residents are supported to live independent, healthy, active lives, without the need for long-term services
  • Young people in receipt of services from children’s services are prepared for adulthood
  • People with care and support needs feel empowered and can access good or outstanding quality and tailored care and support
  • Carers are identified quickly and provided with the information, advice and support services they need
  • People feel they belong to their local area
  • People feel that their physical and mental wellbeing is as good as possible

Pride in Place

We will invest in our three towns to enable them to develop their own distinct identities and roles.  Using Torbay’s unified and complementary offer as a UNESCO Geopark and a premier marine and natural experience, we will attract, retain, and grow leading edge technology businesses.  We want Torbay to be a place where people of all ages want to live as well as visit.  A place where everyone benefits from and enjoys a premier resort experience.

There will be more good quality, affordable and permanent properties that people, including those who are vulnerable, or care experienced, can call their home.  We will work with landlords and developers to maximise the use of suitable housing stock, including social housing, and create decent accommodation across Torbay.  We want this to be an even better place for people to live in whilst protecting our environment. 

We will work to get the basics right, so that our town centres, seafronts and residential areas are clean, safe and well-maintained.

We will celebrate and protect the places that make Torbay special, maximising the cultural, heritage and event opportunities for our residents and visitors alike.  Working in partnership we will continue to address the climate emergency so as to create a sustainable future.

Our priorities

We will:

  • Improve the delivery, affordability and quality of housing (including housing standards) for residents in Torbay (P1)
  • Draw investment into our towns and breathe life into our town centres, partnering with the private sector to deliver major projects (P2)
  • Maximise heritage and cultural opportunities for the enjoyment and benefit of residents and visitors (P3)
  • Ensure the effective operation of SWISCo to have resources to reinvest in Torbay (Operation Brighter Bay) (P4)
  • Protect and enhance our lived, built and natural environments, including our green spaces (P5)
  • Improve the delivery of our planning service (P6)
  • Deliver priority capital projects within the Council’s Capital Programme (P7)

The outcomes we want to see

  • Enhanced high streets that attract long-term tenants and an increased number of visitors
  • An enhanced and coherent culture, heritage and events offer with increased engagement and participation
  • Increased customer satisfaction with our parks, green spaces and streets
  • More equitable access to warm, healthy, affordable homes for all people in Torbay
  • Younger, skilled people are attracted and retained to live and/or work in Torbay
  • Increased customer satisfaction with the Council’s planning service
  • Increased resident satisfaction with the local area

Priority P1: Improve the delivery, affordability and quality of housing for residents in Torbay

  • Action P1.1: Deliver the Council’s Housing Strategy
    • Milestones:
      • Develop detailed delivery plans for new affordable housing and accommodation for strategic priority areas - August 2024
      • Finalisation of 2024-27 Housing Delivery Plan - September 2024
      • Review of underused assets for brownfield housing development - September 2024
      • Delivery of St Kilda’s project - Let main works contract - July 2024
      • St Kilda’s – Project start on site - August 2024
      • St Kilda’s – Project completion - March 2026
      • Delivery of emergency accommodation for at-risk youth - September 2024
      • Consideration of extra care housing project at Torre Marine, Torquay - November 2024
      • Undertake a housing condition survey - May 2025
      • Delivery of accommodation repurposing project - June 2025
  • Action P1.2: Deliver positive outcomes from the Devon and Torbay Combined County Authority
    • Milestones:
      • Establishment of Devon and Torbay Growth Board - August 2024
      • Other milestones to be confirmed post General Election
  • Action P1.3: Provide support for those who are homeless
    • Milestones:
      • Consultation on draft Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy - Summer 2024
      • Agreement of Strategy and Action Plan - December 2024
  • Related Actions:
    • Action C3.1 Promote healthy behaviours and environments
    • Action C7.1 Help people to live well and independently
    • Action C7.2 Support young people who experience SEND to live independently
    • Action P2.1 Deliver town centre regeneration schemes (including associated affordable housing)
    • Action P2.2 Deliver as part of the Levelling Up Partnership

Performance indicators

Community and Corporate Plan
  • CP8 Net additional dwellings (all tenures) completed each year:
    • 2022/2023 Outturn: 251
    • 2023/2024 Outturn: Not Yet Published
    • 2024/2025 Target: TBC following Local Plan Review
  • CP9 Number of new affordable homes completed each year:
    • 2022/2023 Outturn: 32
    • 2023/2024 Outturn: Not Yet Published
    • 2024/2025 Target: TBC following Local Plan Review
  • CP10 Number of new social rent homes completed each year (a sub-set of CP9):
    • 2022/2023 Outturn: 15
    • 2023/2024 Outturn: Not yet published
    • 2024/2025 Target: Monitoring only
Council Business Plan
  • BP27 Average numbers in temporary accommodation on any one night this quarter:
    • 2022/2023 Outturn: 166
    • 2023/2024 Outturn: 129
    • 2024/2025 Target: 125
  • BP28 Average numbers in temporary accommodation on any one night this quarter - With dependents (including pregnant women):
    • 2022/2023 Outturn: 85
    • 2023/2024 Outturn: 61
    • 2024/2025 Target: 62
  • BP29 Average numbers in temporary accommodation on any one night this quarter - Single households (including childless couples):
    • 2022/2023 Outturn: 81
    • 2023/2024 Outturn: 68
    • 2024/2025 Target: 63
  • BP30 Number of families in B&B accommodation longer than 6 weeks this quarter to whom we owe a housing duty:
    • 2022/2023 Outturn: Q1 - 1, Q2 – 0, Q3 – 1, Q4 – 0
    • 2023/2024 Outturn: 0
    • 2024/2025 Target: 0
  • BP31 Number of rough sleepers (annual):
    • 2022/2023 Outturn: 20
    • 2023/2024 Outturn: 27
    • 2024/2025 Target: 27
  • BP32 Total number of placements provided to different individuals at the Hostel per annum:
    • 2022/2023 Outturn: 54
    • 2023/2024 Outturn: 77
    • 2024/2025 Target: 87
  • BP33 Average length of stay at the Hostel (Days):
    • 2022/2023 Outturn: 506 (Feb 2023)
    • 2023/2024 Outturn: 231
    • 2024/2025 Target: 150
  • BP34 Percentage of households assessed and owed the main duty:
    • 2022/2023 Outturn: 39% (1,188)
    • 2023/2024 Outturn: Not Yet Published
    • 2024/2025 Target: Monitoring only
  • BP35 Percentage of care experienced young people in suitable accommodation:
    • 2022/2023 Outturn: 81%
    • 2023/2024 Outturn: 82%
    • 2024/2025 Target: 85%
  • BP36 Number of requests for assistance from the Housing Standards service:
    • 2022/2023 Outturn: 291
    • 2023/2024 Outturn: 319
    • 2024/2025 Target: Monitoring only
  • BP37 Number of legal notices served to improve quality of accommodation:
    • 2022/2023 Outturn: 41
    • 2023/2024 Outturn: 46
    • 2024/2025 Target: Monitoring only


  • More equitable access to warm, healthy, affordable homes for all people in Torbay
  • Younger, skilled people are attracted and retained to live and/or work in Torbay
  • Increased resident satisfaction with the local area

Priority P2: Draw investment into our towns and breathe life into our town centres

  • Action P2.1: Deliver town centre regeneration schemes (including associated affordable housing)
    • Milestones:
      • Develop revised options for site of former Debenhams in Torquay - August 2024
      • Consider revised options appraisal for site of former Crossways in Paignton - August 2024
      • Consider revised options appraisal for site at Victoria Square in Paignton - Autumn 2024
      • Agree the business case for the redevelopment of Central Car Park in Brixham - Autumn 2024
      • Start on site for redevelopment of Central Car Park in Brixham - Autumn 2024
      • Submission of Long Term Plan for Towns - tbc post General Election
      • Agreement of Long-Term Plan for Torquay with Government - tbc post General Election
  • Action P2.2: Deliver as part of the Levelling Up Partnership
    • Milestones:
      • Commence preparation for delivery of the Levelling Up Partnership programme - June 2024
      • Convene cross departmental discussions with Department for Health and Social Care, Department for Transport and Department of Work and Pensions to support the Council and partners - Summer 2024
      • Project completion dates dependent on the project - 2025-26
  • Related Actions:
    • Action C1.1 Deliver Operation Town Centres
    • Action C1.2 Introduce a residents’ discount scheme
    • Action C2.2 Achieve UNICEF UK Child Friendly Community status
    • Action P1.1 Deliver the Council’s Housing Strategy
    • Action E3.1 Improve transport connectivity and sustainability to, from and within Torbay

Performance indicators

Council Business Plan
  • BP38 Total annual footfall in Torquay’s Town Centre:
    • 2022/2023 Outturn: N/A
    • 2023/2024 Outturn: New
    • 2024/2025 Target: Baseline
  • BP39 Total annual footfall in Paignton’s Town Centre:
    • 2022/2023 Outturn: N/A
    • 2023/2024 Outturn: New
    • 2024/2025 Target: Baseline
  • BP40 Total annual footfall in Brixham’s Town Centre:
    • 2022/2023 Outturn: N/A
    • 2023/2024 Outturn: New
    • 2024/2025 Target: Baseline


  • Enhanced high streets that attract long-term tenants and an increased number of visitors
  • An enhanced and coherent culture, heritage and events offer with increased engagement and participation
  • Increased customer satisfaction with our parks, green spaces and streets
  • More equitable access to warm, healthy, affordable homes for all people in Torbay
  • Younger, skilled people are attracted and retained to live and/or work in Torbay
  • Increased resident satisfaction with the local area

Priority P3: Maximise heritage and cultural opportunities for the enjoyment and benefit of residents and visitors

  • Action P3.1: Enhance Torbay’s cultural heritage
    • Milestones:
      • Commence Stage 1 of works at Oldway Mansion - June 2024
      • Prepare and consider outline business case for Torre Abbey Phase 3 - June 2024
      • Commence Stage 1 of works at the Pavilion - tbc
  • Action P3.2: Develop and deliver an updated Culture Strategy
    • Milestones:
      • Develop a programme of activity which increases participation and provides improved experiences for residents and visitors alike - June 2024
      • Agree updated Culture Strategy which includes the support and further development of the UNESCO Geopark designation - September 2024
  • Action P3.3: Consider whether a showground can be established in Torbay
    • Milestones:
      • Carry out an assessment of the market and opportunity for a showground in Torbay - September 2024
      • If agreed, undertake feasibility study to assess whether Torbay’s meadows and green spaces can be utilised as show grounds - Summer 2025
  • Related Actions:
    • Action C2.2 Achieve UNICEF UK Child Friendly Community status
    • Action C3.1 Promote healthy behaviours and environments
    • Action P2.1 Deliver town centre regeneration schemes (including associated affordable housing)
    • Action P2.2 Deliver as part of the Levelling Up Partnership
    • Action E3.1 Improve transport connectivity and sustainability to, from and within Torbay

Performance indicators

Community and Corporate Plan
  • CP11 Cultural participation (Arts Council measure 3 yearly figure):
    • 2022/2023 Outturn: -
    • 2023/2024 Outturn: Not Yet Published
    • 2024/2025 Target: Not due
Council Business Plan
  • BP41 Number of events facilitated on Council land:
    • 2022/2023 Outturn: 86
    • 2023/2024 Outturn: 86
    • 2024/2025 Target: 90
  • BP42 Number of Arts Council National Portfolio organisations within Torbay:
    • 2022/2023 Outturn: 0
    • 2023/2024 Outturn: 2
    • 2024/2025 Target: 3
  • BP43 Number of organisations directly promoting Torbay’s UNESCO Geopark Status (Ambassadors):
    • 2022/2023 Outturn: -
    • 2023/2024 Outturn: New
    • 2024/2025 Target: Baseline
  • BP44 Number of Cultural Organisations recording an annual increase in participation and engagement from previous year:
    • 2022/2023 Outturn: -
    • 2023/2024 Outturn: New
    • 2024/2025 Target: Baseline


  • Enhanced high streets that attract long-term tenants and an increased number of visitors
  • An enhanced and coherent culture, heritage and events offer with increased engagement and participation
  • Increased customer satisfaction with our parks, green spaces and streets
  • Younger, skilled people are attracted and retained to live and/or work in Torbay
  • Increased resident satisfaction with the local area

Priority P4: Protect and enhance our lived, built and natural environments, including our green spaces

  • Action P4.1: Deliver Operation Brighter Bay
    • Milestones:
      • Implement Friends Group Charter - September 2024
      • Implement informal annual work schedules with individual Friends Groups - September 2024
      • Review the highway inspection manual network for improvements - September 2024
      • Increase town centre cleaning regime in Brixham - September 2024
      • Doubling of the machinery and teams for weed removal - September 2024
      • Increase the number of grass cuts per growing season in residential areas - October 2024
      • Doubling the number of grass cuts per growing season on prestige routes - October 2024
      • Introduction of two new SWISCo teams for carriageway and footway defects - October 2024
      • Introduction of our own line marking team - December 2024
      • Deliver effectively against the agreed scheduling for parks, grass cutting and street cleansing - Ongoing
  • Action P4.2: Deliver the Paignton Sea Defence scheme
    • Milestones:
      • Phase 1 (Paignton Defences) of the scheme commenced - September 2024
      • Phase 2 (Preston Defences) of the scheme commenced - September 2025
      • Phase 1 (Paignton Defences) of the scheme completed - May 2025
      • Phase 2 (Preston Defences) of the scheme completed - September 2026
      • Phase 3/4 (Paignton and Preston Public Realm) of the scheme commenced - September 2026
      • Phase 3/4 (Paignton and Preston Public Realm) of the scheme completed - 2027
  • Action P4.3: Deliver the Carbon Neutral Council Action Plan and support the delivery of the Torbay Carbon Neutral Plan
    • Milestones:
      • Develop the next stage of the Carbon Neutral Council Action Plan - July 2024
      • Finalise the business case for Nightingale Solar Park - September 2024
      • Finalise the business case for Brokenbury Solar Park - September 2024
  • Action P4.4: Improve road safety, especially around schools and address speeding traffic spots
    • Milestones:
      • Undertake road safety campaigns to improve safety around schools - Autumn/Winter 2024
      • Implement 20 mph zones subject to results of consultation - Summer 2025
      • Work with Vision Zero SW to consider the use of community speed watch - September 2024
  • Related Actions:
    • Action C1.1 Deliver Operation Town Centres
    • Action C2.3 Undertake a review of Torbay’s play parks
    • Action C3.1 Promote healthy behaviours and environments
    • Action C6.1 Consider how community action can be encouraged, supported and rewarded
    • Action C6.2 Develop a plan to support Torbay’s community centres
    • Action P1.1 Deliver the Council’s Housing Strategy
    • Action P2.1 Deliver town centre regeneration schemes (including associated affordable housing)
    • Action P2.2 Deliver as part of the Levelling Up Partnership
    • Action P3.1 Enhance Torbay’s cultural heritage
    • Action P4.1 Deliver Operation Brighter Bay
    • Action P6.1 Make improvements to the Planning Service

Performance indicators

Community and Corporate Plan
  • CP12 Percentage of Residents’ Satisfaction Survey respondents who feel very or fairly satisfied with their local area as a place to live:
    • 2022/2023 Outturn: N/A
    • 2023/2024 Outturn: 59%
    • 2024/2025 Target: TBC
Council Business Plan
  • BP45 Percentage of grass cutting schedule achieved during the period:
    • 2022/2023 Outturn: -
    • 2023/2024 Outturn: New
    • 2024/2025 Target: 85%
  • BP46 Percentage of street sweeping schedule achieved during the period:
    • 2022/2023 Outturn: -
    • 2023/2024 Outturn: New
    • 2024/2025 Target: 85%
  • BP47 Percentage of weed spraying schedule achieved during the period:
    • 2022/2023 Outturn: -
    • 2023/2024 Outturn: New
    • 2024/2025 Target: 85%
  • BP48 Percentage of line marking schedule achieved during the period:
    • 2022/2023 Outturn: -
    • 2023/2024 Outturn: New
    • 2024/2025 Target: 85%
  • BP49 Number of repairs and interventions made to our carriageways and footways:
    • 2022/2023 Outturn: 6,162
    • 2023/2024 Outturn: 6,386
    • 2024/2025 Target: 7,663
  • BP50 Percentage of Residents’ Satisfaction Survey respondents who feel very or fairly satisfied with the road maintenance services provided by the Council:
    • 2022/2023 Outturn: N/A
    • 2023/2024 Outturn: 16%
    • 2024/2025 Target: Not due
  • BP51 Percentage of Residents’ Satisfaction Survey respondents who feel very or fairly satisfied with the pavement maintenance services provided by the Council:
    • 2022/2023 Outturn: N/A
    • 2023/2024 Outturn: 34%
    • 2024/2025 Target: Not due
  • BP52 Percentage of Residents’ Satisfaction Survey respondents who feel very or fairly satisfied with the street cleansing services provided by the Council:
    • 2022/2023 Outturn: N/A
    • 2023/2024 Outturn: 44%
    • 2024/2025 Target: Not due
  • BP53 Percentage of Residents’ Satisfaction Survey respondents who feel very or fairly satisfied with the parks and green spaces maintained by the Council:
    • 2022/2023 Outturn: N/A
    • 2023/2024 Outturn: 64%
    • 2024/2025 Target: Not due
  • BP54 Capital monies spent on flood alleviation and coastal protection schemes:
    • 2022/2023 Outturn: £718,512
    • 2023/2024 Outturn: £433,647
    • 2024/2025 Target: £4,000,000
  • BP55 Tonnes of CO2e -Torbay (annual):
    • 2022/2023 Outturn: Not Yet Published
    • 2023/2024 Outturn: Not Yet Published
    • 2024/2025 Target: Monitoring only
  • BP56 Tonnes of CO2 - Torbay Council operations and services (annual):
    • 2022/2023 Outturn: 5011
    • 2023/2024 Outturn: Not Yet Published
    • 2024/2025 Target: TBC
  • BP57 £ secured through various external decarbonisation funds:
    • 2022/2023 Outturn: £59,000
    • 2023/2024 Outturn: £8.1m
    • 2024/2025 Target: Monitoring only
  • BP58 Number of people killed or seriously injured on Torbay’s roads:
    • 2022/2023 Outturn: 49 (2022)
    • 2023/2024 Outturn: 54 Draft (2023)
    • 2024/2025 Target: 47


  • Enhanced high streets that attract long-term tenants and an increased number of visitors
  • An enhanced and coherent culture, heritage and events offer with increased engagement and participation
  • Increased customer satisfaction with our parks, green spaces and streets
  • Younger, skilled people are attracted and retained to live and/or work in Torbay
  • Increased resident satisfaction with the local area

Priority P5: Ensure the effective operation of SWISCo to have resources to reinvest in Torbay

  • Related Actions:
    • Action C6.1 Consider how community action can be encouraged, supported and rewarded
    • Action P4.1 Deliver Operation Brighter Bay


  • Increased customer satisfaction with our parks, green spaces and streets
  • Increased resident satisfaction with the local area

Priority P6: Improve the delivery of our planning service

  • Action P6.1: Make improvements to the Planning Service
    • Milestones:
      • Determine Council’s position in relation to either a light touch review of the existing Local Plan or launching the Government-proposed streamlined procedure - July 2024
      • Conclude the Planning Service for the Future project - July 2024

Performance indicators

Council Business Plan
  • Major planning applications:
    • BP59 Average number of days taken to validate from when required information is received:
      • 2022/2023 Outturn: 12.12
      • 2023/2024 Outturn: 12.78
      • 2024/2025 Target: 5
    • BP60 % Determined within timescales (including extensions of time):
      • 2022/2023 Outturn: 91.67%
      • 2023/2024 Outturn: 73.91%
      • 2024/2025 Target: 80%
    • BP61 % Determined within timescales (without extensions of time):
      • 2022/2023 Outturn: 29.17%
      • 2023/2024 Outturn: 4.35%
      • 2024/2025 Target: 30%
    • BP62 Number of appeals:
      • 2022/2023 Outturn: 1
      • 2023/2024 Outturn: 0
      • 2024/2025 Target: Monitoring only
    • BP63 % of appeals allowed (upheld in the applicant’s favour):
      • 2022/2023 Outturn: 0.00%
      • 2023/2024 Outturn: N/A
      • 2024/2025 Target: 30%
  • Minor planning applications:
    • BP64 Average number of days taken to validate from when required information is received:
      • 2022/2023 Outturn: 13.03
      • 2023/2024 Outturn: 12.13
      • 2024/2025 Target: 5
    • BP65 % Determined within timescales (including extensions of time):
      • 2022/2023 Outturn: 69.08%
      • 2023/2024 Outturn: 76.13%
      • 2024/2025 Target: 80%
    • BP66 % Determined within timescales (without extensions of time):
      • 2022/2023 Outturn: 36.55%
      • 2023/2024 Outturn: 41.15%
      • 2024/2025 Target: 45%
    • BP67 Number of appeals:
      • 2022/2023 Outturn: 15
      • 2023/2024 Outturn: 30
      • 2024/2025 Target: Monitoring only
    • BP68 % of appeals allowed (upheld in the applicant’s favour):
      • 2022/2023 Outturn: 20.00%
      • 2023/2024 Outturn: 16.67%
      • 2024/2025 Target: 30%
  • Other planning applications:
    • BP69 Average number of days taken to validate from when required information is received:
      • 2022/2023 Outturn: 13.14
      • 2023/2024 Outturn: 12.83
      • 2024/2025 Target: 5
    • BP70 % Determined within timescales (including extensions of time):
      • 2022/2023 Outturn: 79.24%
      • 2023/2024 Outturn: 83.37%
      • 2024/2025 Target: 88%
    • BP71 % Determined within timescales (without extensions of time):
      • 2022/2023 Outturn: 42.90%
      • 2023/2024 Outturn: 47.29%
      • 2024/2025 Target: 55%
    • BP72 Number of appeals:
      • 2022/2023 Outturn: 26
      • 2023/2024 Outturn: 33
      • 2024/2025 Target: Monitoring only
    • BP73 % of appeals allowed (upheld in the applicant’s favour):
      • 2022/2023 Outturn: 42.31%
      • 2023/2024 Outturn: 36.36%
      • 2024/2025 Target: 30%
  • Number of enforcement cases live:
    • BP74 notices issued (during the quarter):
      • 2022/2023 Outturn: 4
      • 2023/2024 Outturn: 15
      • 2024/2025 Target: Monitoring only
    • BP75 cases closed (during the quarter):
      • 2022/2023 Outturn: 281
      • 2023/2024 Outturn: 206
      • 2024/2025 Target: Monitoring only
    • BP76 cases opened (during the quarter):
      • 2022/2023 Outturn: 362
      • 2023/2024 Outturn: 297
      • 2024/2025 Target: Monitoring only
    • BP77 open cases as at the last day of the quarter:
      • 2022/2023 Outturn: 522
      • 2023/2024 Outturn: 586
      • 2024/2025 Target: 450


  • Enhanced high streets that attract long-term tenants and an increased number of visitors
  • An enhanced and coherent culture, heritage and events offer with increased engagement and participation
  • More equitable access to warm, healthy, affordable homes for all people in Torbay
  • Increased customer satisfaction with the Council’s planning service
  • Increased resident satisfaction with the local area

Priority P7: Deliver priority capital projects within the Council’s Capital Programme

  • Action C7.1: Help people live well and independently
  • Action P1.1: Deliver the Council’s Housing Strategy
  • Action P1.2: Deliver positive outcomes for Torbay from the Devon and Torbay Combined County Authority
  • Action P2.1: Deliver town centre regeneration schemes (including associated affordable housing)
  • Action P2.2: Deliver as part of the Levelling Up Partnership
  • Action P3.1: Enhance Torbay’s cultural heritage
  • Action P5.2: Deliver the Paignton Sea Defence Scheme
  • Action P5.3: Deliver the Carbon Neutral Council Action Plan and support delivery of the Torbay Carbon Neutral Plan
  • Action P5.4: Improve road safety, especially around schools and address speeding traffic spots
  • Action E3.1: Improve transport connectivity and sustainability to, from and within Torbay


  • Enhanced high streets that attract long-term tenants and an increased number of visitors
  • An enhanced and coherent culture, heritage and events offer with increased engagement and participation
  • More equitable access to warm, healthy, affordable homes for all people in Torbay
  • Younger, skilled people are attracted and retained to live and/or work in Torbay
  • Increased resident satisfaction with the local area

Economic Growth

We will attract, retain and grow our economic specialisms so we have growth which builds on our reputation.  There will be good employment and learning opportunities that enhance the potential for our residents and our communities.  Residents will be able to access those opportunities because of the improved connectivity to, from and within Torbay.

Torbay is looking to the future and reaching out to collaborate, attract more investment and make the most of the considerable assets and opportunities it has.  

We want to create the conditions for a strong and sustainable economy that supports a diverse mix of industries and jobs that inspire, providing equality of opportunity.  We will support businesses to flourish and grow as well as attracting new businesses to the Bay.

Our priorities

We will:

  • Encourage aspiration, providing opportunities for everyone to raise their skill level, particularly in high value careers (E1)
  • Drive training opportunities across all sectors to empower people to improve their skills (E2)
  • Improve transport links to and within Torbay (E3)
  • Develop a year-round economy (E4)
  • Increase in the amount of full-time employment opportunities within Torbay (E5)
  • Focus on inclusive growth, with opportunities which benefit everyone (E6)

The outcomes we want to see

  • Established pathways for young people, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), and unemployed to employment opportunities with skills levels moving toward national averages
  • People have better transport and digital connections to jobs and amenities
  • Vacancy rates falling year on year with business reporting they can find talent
  • Improved productivity in Torbay which closes the gap compared to the national data
  • The number of businesses and jobs in Torbay increases
  • Better balance of full-time to part-time opportunities
  • Targeted approach to inward investment which attracts new high-tech companies

Priority E1: Encourage Aspiration

  • Action E1.1: Improve the skills and qualifications of our residents, including children and young people
    • Milestones:
      • Continue delivery of the Multiply programme for Torbay to improve maths and numeracy skills - March 2025
      • Through the Build Torbay project, deliver an increase in the number of skilled people in the construction sector to support the housing and town centre delivery programmes - Ongoing
      • Working with the Careers Hub, develop a programme to engage our business community with schools to deliver assemblies, offer work experience, and develop school projects to inspire our young people in careers that align to our sector priorities - Ongoing
      • Develop a programme to increase the opportunities for children and young people who experience SEND and/or who are care experienced to access work experience, supported internships, and apprenticeships - September 2024
  • Related Actions:
    • Action C2.1 Fully embed the Family Hub model across Torbay
    • Action C2.2 Achieve UNICEF UK Child Friendly Community status
    • Action C3.1 Promote healthy behaviours and environments
    • Action C4.2 Deliver a Carers Strategy
    • Action C5.1 Improve how we signpost to information, advice, and guidance
    • Action C7.1 Help people to live well and independently
    • Action C7.2 Support young people who experience SEND to live independently
    • Action P1.2 Deliver positive outcomes for Torbay from the Devon and Torbay Combined County Authority
    • Action P1.3 Provide support for those who are homeless
    • Action P2.2 Deliver as part of the Levelling Up Partnership
    • Action E3.1 Improve transport connectivity and sustainability to, from and within Torbay

Performance Indicators

Community and Corporate Plan
  • CP13 Percentage of people in Torbay who are economically active (aged 16 to 64):
    • 2022/2023 Outturn: 78.0%
    • 2023/2024 Outturn: 75.7%
    • 2024/2025 Target: Monitoring only
  • CP14 Percentage of former cared for children who are now aged 19-21 and in employment, education or training (EET):
    • 2022/2023 Outturn: 55%
    • 2023/2024 Outturn: 55%
    • 2024/2025 Target: 71%
Council Business Plan
  • BP78 Number of people supported through Multiply programme:
    • 2022/2023 Outturn: 146
    • 2023/2024 Outturn: 437
    • 2024/2025 Target: 190
  • BP79 Percentage of adults with a learning disability in paid employment:
    • 2022/2023 Outturn: 7.8%
    • 2023/2024 Outturn: 6.3%
    • 2024/2025 Target: 5.5%
  • BP80 Number of secondary schools engaged with Business Voluntary Enterprise Advisers:
    • 2022/2023 Outturn: 100%
    • 2023/2024 Outturn: 93.0%
    • 2024/2025 Target: 100%
  • BP81 Percentage of pupils achieving a 9 to 5 pass in English and Maths:
    • 2022/2023 Outturn: 52.3%
    • 2023/2024 Outturn: 48.9%
    • 2024/2025 Target: Monitoring only
  • BP82 Proportion of 16 - 17 year olds who were not in education, employment or training (NEET):
    • 2022/2023 Outturn: 3.2
    • 2023/2024 Outturn: 4.4
    • 2024/2025 Target: Monitoring only
  • BP83 Percentage of people in Torbay that hold an NVQ 4+ qualification:
    • 2022/2023 Outturn: 22% (2022)
    • 2023/2024 Outturn: 22% (2023)
    • 2024/2025 Target: Monitoring only


  • Established pathways for young people, including those with SEND, and unemployed to employment opportunities with skills levels moving toward national averages
  • Vacancy rates falling year on year with business reporting they can find talent
  • Improved productivity in Torbay which closes the gap compared to the national data
  • The number of businesses and jobs in Torbay increases

Priority E2: Drive training opportunities across all sectors to empower people to improve their skills

  • Action E2.1: Develop a series of training programmes
    • Milestones:
      • Deliver an employment ready programme helping people back into work or education - March 2025
      • Deliver a green skills training programme - March 2025
      • Deliver a digital skills training programme - March 2025
      • Deliver a sector pathway programme providing routeways into key local careers - March 2026
      • Deliver a co-ordinated approach with partners to promote apprenticeships during National Apprenticeship Week - February 2025
  • Related Actions:
    • Action C2.1 Fully embed the Family Hub model across Torbay
    • Action C2.2 Achieve UNICEF UK Child Friendly Community status
    • Action C3.1 Promote healthy behaviours and environments
    • Action C4.2 Deliver a Carers Strategy
    • Action C5.1 Improve how we signpost to information, advice, and guidance
    • Action C7.1 Help people to live well and independently
    • Action C7.2 Support young people who experience SEND to live independently
    • Action P1.2 Deliver positive outcomes for Torbay from the Devon and Torbay Combined County Authority
    • Action P2.2 Deliver as part of the Levelling Up Partnership
    • Action E3.1 Improve transport connectivity and sustainability to, from and within Torbay

Performance Indicators

Council Business Plan
  • BP84 Number of people achieving a new qualification, licence or skill:
    • 2023/2024 Outturn: -
    • 2023/2024 Outturn: New
    • 2024/2025 Target: 150
  • BP85 Number of employed people undertaking training:
    • 2023/2024 Outturn: -
    • 2023/2024 Outturn: New
    • 2024/2025 Target: 240
  • BP86 Number of people supported into work:
    • 2023/2024 Outturn: -
    • 2023/2024 Outturn: New
    • 2024/2025 Target: 130


  • Established pathways for young people, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), and unemployed to employment opportunities with skills levels moving toward national averages
  • People have better transport and digital connections to jobs and amenities
  • Vacancy rates falling year on year with business reporting they can find talent
  • Improved productivity in Torbay which closes the gap compared to the national data
  • The number of businesses and jobs in Torbay increases

Priority E3: Improve transport links to and within Torbay

  • Action E3.1: Improve transport connectivity and sustainability to, from and within Torbay
    • Milestones:
      • Deliver an initial programme of installation of electric vehicle charging points across Torbay Council assets - March 2025
      • Prepare an updated Local Transport Plan - November 2024
      • Introduce electric buses into service - December 2025
      • Consultation on initial priorities within the Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan - December 2025
  • Related Actions:
    • Action C1.2 Introduce a residents’ discount scheme
    • Action C2.2 Achieve UNICEF UK Child Friendly Community status
    • Action C3.1 Promote healthy behaviours and environments
    • Action C7.1 Help people to live well and independently
    • Action C7.2 Support young people who experience SEND to live independently
    • Action P1.2 Deliver positive outcomes for Torbay from the Devon and Torbay Combined County Authority
    • Action P2.1 Deliver town centre regeneration schemes (including associated affordable housing)
    • Action P2.2 Deliver as part of the Levelling Up Partnership
    • Action P5.3 Deliver the Carbon Neutral Council Action Plan and support the delivery of the Torbay Carbon Neutral Plan
    • Action P5.4 Improve road safety, especially around schools and address speeding traffic hotspots

Performance Indicators

Community and Corporate Plan
  • CP15 Local bus and light railway passenger journeys originating in the authority area:
    • 2022/2023 Outturn: 5,210,967
    • 2023/2024 Outturn: 5,957,370
    • 2024/2025 Target: 6,559,801
Council Business Plan
  • BP87 Number of public electric vehicle charging points installed on council owned land:
    • 2022/2023 Outturn: 0
    • 2023/2024 Outturn: 0
    • 2024/2025 Target: 24
  • BP88 Number of electric vehicles registered in Torbay:
    • 2022/2023 Outturn: 1,027
    • 2023/2024 Outturn: 1,196
    • 2024/2025 Target: Monitoring only
  • BP89 Number of electric buses in service:
    • 2022/2023 Outturn: 0
    • 2023/2024 Outturn: 0
    • 2024/2025 Target: 25 by December 2025


  • People have better transport and digital connections to jobs and amenities
  • Vacancy rates falling year on year with business reporting they can find talent
  • Improved productivity in Torbay which closes the gap compared to the national data
  • The number of businesses and jobs in Torbay increases

Priority E4: Develop a year-round economy

  • Action E4.1: Develop the local economy so it is growth focused, sustainable, and thriving
    • Milestones:
      • Work with the Hi-Tech Cluster to develop links with regional universities and others to increase the number and value of research and development grants in Torbay - Ongoing
      • Secure a site for the Technology Production Park - June 2024
      • Achieve planning permission for Technology Production Park - June 2024
      • Expand the Hi-Tech Cluster to include other high-value sectors including medical and healthcare - June 2024
      • Deliver a business support programme to help boost innovation across our key sectors - March 2025
      • Deliver a business support programme to help businesses improve their resource efficiency - March 2025
      • Working with strategic partners to deliver the Destination Management Plan including development of Geopark experiences and promotion of business tourism through Meet English Riviera - Ongoing to June 2025
      • In partnership with the Torbay Hi-Tech Cluster, develop the business case for the Torbay Technology Park (subject to Levelling Up Funding) - March 2026
      • Develop additional accommodation for the Brixham Fish Market to support the maritime and fisheries sectors (subject to Levelling Up Funding) - March 2026
  • Related Actions:
    • Action C1.2 Introduce a residents’ discount scheme
    • Action C2.2 Achieve UNICEF UK Child Friendly Community status
    • Action C3.1 Promote healthy behaviours and environments
    • Action C7.1 Help people to live well and independently
    • Action C7.2 Support young people who experience SEND to live independently
    • Action P1.1 Deliver the Council’s Housing Strategy
    • Action P1.2 Deliver positive outcomes for Torbay from the Devon and Torbay Combined County Authority
    • Action P2.1 Deliver town centre regeneration schemes (including associated affordable housing)
    • Action P2.2 Deliver as part of the Levelling Up Partnership
    • Action P3.2 Develop and deliver an updated Cultural Strategy
    • Action P5.3 Deliver the Carbon Neutral Council Action Plan and support the delivery of the Torbay Carbon Neutral Plan

Performance Indicators

Community and Corporate Plan
  • CP16 Employment by occupation group 1-3: Managers, Directors and Senior Officials; Professional Occupations; Associate Professional Occupations:
    • 2022/2023 Outturn: 42.1% (2022)
    • 2023/2024 Outturn: 42.8% (2023)
    • 2024/2025 Target: Monitoring only
  • CP17 Employment by occupation group 4-5: Administrative & Secretarial Occupations; Skilled Trades Occupations:
    • 2022/2023 Outturn: 21.3% (2022)
    • 2023/2024 Outturn: 21.1% (2023)
    • 2024/2025 Target: Monitoring only
  • CP18 Employment by occupation group 6-7: Caring, Leisure and Other Service Occupations; Sales and Customer Service Occupations:
    • 2022/2023 Outturn: 19.0% (2022)
    • 2023/2024 Outturn: 17.6% (2023)
    • 2024/2025 Target: Monitoring only
  • CP19 Employment by occupation group 8-9: Process Plant & Machine Operatives; Elementary Occupations:
    • 2022/2023 Outturn: 17.1% (2022)
    • 2023/2024 Outturn: 18.5% (2023)
    • 2024/2025 Target: Monitoring only
  • CP20 National Non Domestic Rates – Total number of occupied hereditaments (premises):
    • 2022/2023 Outturn: 5,204 (31/3/2023)
    • 2023/2024 Outturn: 5,025 (31/3/2024)
    • 2024/2025 Target: Monitoring only
  • CP21 National Non Domestic Rates – Total number of void hereditaments (premises):
    • 2022/2023 Outturn: 504 (31/3/2023)
    • 2023/2024 Outturn: 567 (31/3/2024)
    • 2024/2025 Target: Monitoring only
  • CP22 Gross Value Added per hour worked:
    • 2022/2023 Outturn: Not yet published
    • 2023/2024 Outturn: Not yet published
    • 2024/2025 Target: Monitoring only
  • CP23 Gross Value Added per filled job:
    • 2022/2023 Outturn: Not yet published
    • 2023/2024 Outturn: Not yet published
    • 2024/2025 Target: Monitoring only
Council Business Plan
  • BP90 Number of visitors to Torbay (annual figure):
    • 2022/2023 Outturn: 3,959,300 (2022)
    • 2023/2024 Outturn: Not Yet Published
    • 2024/2025 Target: Monitoring only
  • BP91 Occupancy rate of Council Let Estate (Inc former TDA Estate):
    • 2022/2023 Outturn: 93%
    • 2023/2024 Outturn: 90%
    • 2024/2025 Target: 90%
  • BP92 Occupancy rate at EPIC:
    • 2022/2023 Outturn: 90.0%
    • 2023/2024 Outturn: 95.0%
    • 2024/2025 Target: 80%


  • People have better transport and digital connections to jobs and amenities
  • Vacancy rates falling year on year with business reporting they can find talent
  • Improved productivity in Torbay which closes the gap compared to the national data
  • The number of businesses and jobs in Torbay increases
  • Better balance of full-time to part-time opportunities
  • Targeted approach to inward investment which attracts new high-tech companies

Priority E5: Increase the amount of full-time employment opportunities within Torbay

  • Action E5.1: Create more full-time job opportunities in Torbay
    • Milestones:
      • Deliver a business start-up programme focusing on growth - March 2025
      • Deliver a growth programme for creative businesses in Torbay - March 2025
      • Confirm criteria for the Enterprise Development Funding, proposed in the 2024/25 budget, to support economic growth and job creation - June 2024
      • Review the Economic Growth Strategy to ensure that the action plan remains consistent with the objectives of the Council and its Place Partners - September 2024
      • Reduce the barriers to a wraparound childcare offer, for those parents living in Torbay who wish to work full-time - September 2024
      • Increase the availability for children and young people to have access to wraparound positive activities during the school holidays - July 2025
      • Develop a youth offer in Torbay that is sufficiently focused and targeted to respond flexibly to communities and promotes engagement with a wide range of children and young people to reduce anti-social behaviour - September 2024
  • Related Actions:
    • Action C2.2 Achieve UNICEF UK Child Friendly Community status
    • Action C7.1 Help people to live well and independently
    • Action C7.2 Support young people who experience SEND to live independently
    • Action P1.1 Deliver the Council’s Housing Strategy
    • Action P1.2 Deliver positive outcomes for Torbay from the Devon and Torbay Combined County Authority
    • Action P2.1 Deliver town centre regeneration schemes (including associated affordable housing)
    • Action P2.2 Deliver as part of the Levelling Up Partnership
    • Action P3.2 Develop and deliver an updated Cultural Strategy
    • Action P6.1 Make improvements to the Planning Service
    • Action E1.1 Improve the skills and qualifications of our residents, including children and young people
    • Action E3.4 Improve transport connectivity and sustainability to, from and within Torbay
    • Action E4.1 Develop a local economy so it is growth focused, sustainable, and thriving

Performance Indicators

Community and Corporate Plan
  • CP24 Earnings by Torbay Residence (gross weekly pay – full-time workers):
    • 2022/2023 Outturn: £566.70
    • 2023/2024 Outturn: £574.90
    • 2024/2025 Target: Monitoring only
  • CP25 Percentage of people in Torbay in employment (aged 16 to 64):
    • 2022/2023 Outturn: 76.0%
    • 2023/2024 Outturn: 74.1%
    • 2024/2025 Target: Monitoring only
  • CP26 Percentage of Torbay population with full-time jobs:
    • 2022/2023 Outturn: 59.2%
    • 2023/2024 Outturn: Not yet published
    • 2024/2025 Target: Monitoring only
  • CP27 Out of Work Benefits Claimant Count:
    • 2022/2023 Outturn: 3.3%
    • 2023/2024 Outturn: 3.4%
    • 2024/2025 Target: Monitoring only
Council Business Plan
  • BP93 Earnings by Torbay Workplace (gross weekly pay - full-time workers):
    • 2022/2023 Outturn: £503.00
    • 2023/2024 Outturn: £543.30
    • 2024/2025 Target: Monitoring only
  • BP94 Percentage of Torbay unemployed:
    • 2022/2023 Outturn: 2.8%
    • 2023/2024 Outturn: Not yet published
    • 2024/2025 Target: Monitoring only
  • BP95 Births of new enterprises (new enterprise start-ups):
    • 2022/2023 Outturn: 10.1% (2023)
    • 2023/2024 Outturn: Not yet published
    • 2024/2025 Target: Monitoring only
  • BP96 Deaths of enterprises (enterprises ceasing to exist):
    • 2022/2023 Outturn: 11.2% (2023)
    • 2023/2024 Outturn: Not yet published
    • 2024/2025 Target: Monitoring only


  • Vacancy rates falling year on year with business reporting they can find talent
  • Improved productivity in Torbay which closes the gap compared to the national data
  • The number of businesses and jobs in Torbay increases
  • Better balance of full-time to part-time opportunities

Priority E6: Focus on inclusive growth, with opportunities which benefit everyone

  • Related Actions:
    • Action C2.2 Achieve UNICEF UK Child Friendly Community status
    • Action C7.1 Help people to live well and independently
    • Action C7.2 Support young people who experience SEND to live independently
    • Action P1.1 Deliver the Council’s Housing Strategy
    • Action P1.2 Deliver positive outcomes for Torbay from the Devon and Torbay Combined County Authority
    • Action P2.1 Deliver town centre regeneration schemes (including associated affordable housing)
    • Action P2.2 Deliver as part of the Levelling Up Partnership
    • Action P6.1 Make improvements to the Planning Service
    • Action E1.1 Improve the skills and qualifications of our residents, including children and young people
    • Action E3.4 Improve transport connectivity and sustainability to, from and within Torbay
    • Action E4.1 Develop a local economy so it is growth focused, sustainable, and thriving
    • Action E5.1 Create more full-time job opportunities in Torbay

Performance Indicators

Council Business Plan
  • BP97 Number of individuals attending inclusive growth events delivered or commissioned by the Council:
    • 2022/2023 Outturn: 183
    • 2023/2024 Outturn: 112
    • 2024/2025 Target: 115
  • BP98 The percentage of total Council spend on goods and services from local businesses based within Torbay:
    • 2022/2023 Outturn: -
    • 2023/2024 Outturn: New
    • 2024/2025 Target: TBC


  • Established pathways for young people, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), and unemployed to employment opportunities with skills levels moving toward national averages
  • People have better transport and digital connections to jobs and amenities
  • Vacancy rates falling year on year with business reporting they can find talent
  • Improved productivity in Torbay which closes the gap compared to the national data
  • The number of businesses and jobs in Torbay increases
  • Better balance of full-time to part-time opportunities