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The Big Plan has been split into 6 areas

In our words

“ Housing needs to be easier to get and there should be choice. The bidding system means people can’t get houses and as it is online, it is not accessible. People need help and support to bid and they need to know what they are bidding for. If you can’t look at houses or are just leaving home, it is hard to know”

We want you to..

  • Help people with learning disabilities understand their rights and responsibilities about their home.
  • Make sure there are good quality, affordable places for people to choose.
  • Make sure that people have information about their tenancy or ownership in ways they need.
  • Make sure landlords do not have control over the care and support service people need.
  • Make sure care and support services do not have control over the place where people live.
  • Let people decide how their home looks and is decorated

So that people with learning disabilities can..

  • Choose where they live.
  • Choose who they want to live with.
  • Have their own home with a tenancy or ownership.
  • Change their care and support without having to move home.
  • Live in a home which meets their needs and helps them be as independent as possible.
  • Include the people who are important to them if

You will know this is working because

  • There will be better information and more help for people to find out about homes.
  • There will be more choice about care and support at home.
  • There will be better quality housing and more choice.

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