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Commissioning intentions and business opportunities

Find out more about our current priority adult social care commissioning intentions and the business opportunities for providers.

Our Community and Corporate Plan (2019 to 2023) and our current priority adult social care commissioning intentions are:

Prevention and early help

  1. Focus on prevention, early intervention, rehabilitation and recovery to:
    • Support people to remain as independent as possible, for as long as possible.
    • Reduce ASC demand.
    • Delay entry into residential care.
  1. Increase independence and re-ablement through better access to community equipment, assistive technology, home improvements, including Disabled Facilities Grant.


Support people to remain living at home and exercise choice and control over their lives through the availability of:

  • High-quality homecare & domiciliary care services (which include complex support) and a focus on personal re-ablement and recovery.
  • Personal assistants, support planning and brokerage services.
  • Providers with which people can use their personal budgets.

Support the sustainability of a vibrant voluntary and community sector by:

  • Maintaining and using the local mapping work by CCG, ICO, LA commissioners and local sector.
  • Reducing current duplication of services and quality variance.
  • Using a lead voluntary sector organisation to commission services on our behalf.
  • Vibrant communities where there are increased feelings of neighbourliness, connection, and accessible places of welcome.

Accommodation with care and support

In line with the strength-based approach underpinning the Care Act 2014, Torbay’s commissioning approach seeks to:

  1. Develop a dynamic forecasting model that will assist in determining the right size, type and supply of residential and supported living (SL) care in Torbay, to meet the current and emerging social care demand, including more complex needs.
  2. Increase the use of enabling housing-based models of care and support so that people have a greater choice and control over how, where and with whom they live, as well as who and how their care is provided.
  3. Reduce the systemic use of residential care to meet social care needs, by:
    • Creating effective supported living options for all age groups that enable people to live well at home for longer.
    • Supporting more people to maintain their independence through early advice on personal and community assets, and access to equipment and technology to meet their emerging needs.
    • Not placing working-age adults into residential care, wherever possible.
    • With better homecare alternatives, significantly delaying the entry of older people into residential care and reducing stays.
    • With our NHS partners, only commissioning and placing in homes capable of meeting very complex and nursing needs.
  1. Work with our residential and nursing care sector to improve quality and capability, and develop agreed outcomes-based specifications.
  2. Work with our supported living providers to develop sufficient capacity and quality to meet emerging demand, including complex needs and to develop agreed outcomes-based specifications.
  3. Implement the Housing Strategy 2020 to 2025
  4. Develop further units of extra care housing and sheltered accommodation that meet the needs of people with more complex conditions.

Learning Disabilities (LD)

Work with other regional commissioners to deliver the joint regional Living Well with a Learning Disability in Devon strategy 2018 to 2022.


  • Focus on people living full and independent lives, where secure homes and fulfilling lives are a priority.
  • Improve access to paid employment and training through provision of targeted person-centred support.
  • Develop an outcomes-based commissioning of day-activities to ensure daytime activities/services offer more choice, develop community inclusion and deliver more aspirational outcomes.
  • Improve accessibility to community services for people with a learning disability, through reasonable adjustments.

Accommodation with care and support

Torbay’s commissioning approach seeks to:

  • Reduce the number of under 65 adults with LDs in long-term residential settings by a third over the next three years.
  • Halve the number of larger residential settings (those with over eight beds, which have a more institutional feel.
  • Ensure there is greater housing choice - particularly self-contained SL, sheltered housing, extra care and access to general needs housing.
  • Ensure more consistency of provision and fewer complaints about the quality of support delivered.
  • More people with LDs living with parents are diverted from entering residential care and have the opportunity to live as independently as possible.
  • Ensure the quality of support and tenancies in supported living are given more assurance and improve.


Work with other regional commissioners to deliver the joint Devon-wide Living well with Autism strategy (Devon, Torbay and Plymouth 2015 to 2020).


  • Commission services based on adequate population data and needs assessment, including peer support.
  • Improve accessibility to community services for people with autism, through reasonable adjustments.
  • Delivery of associated actions arising from the Autism Business Case and Self-Assessment Framework 2016.

Accommodation with care and support

Torbay’s commissioning approach seeks to:

  • Reduce the number of under 65 adults with autism in long-term residential settings.
  • Ensure there is greater housing choice - particularly self-contained SL, sheltered housing, extra care and access to general needs housing.
  • Ensure there are more skilled providers who are able to offer enabling support to people with complex issues and behaviours that challenge.
  • Commission Positive Behaviour Support and Crisis Planning training to support the development of the workforce.

Mental health

Work with other regional commissioners to deliver the joint Devon Community Mental Health Framework.


  • Deliver the improvement plan and input to mental health service redesign with Devon Partnership NHS Trust, Devon County Council and the CCG.
  • Commission services based on adequate population data and needs assessment, including peer support.

Accommodation with care and support

Torbay’s commissioning approach seeks to:

  • Reduce the number of working age adults with mental health issues in residential settings.
  • Ensure there is greater housing with support choice - particularly self-contained SL, sheltered housing, extra care and also improved access to general needs housing.
  • Ensure there are more skilled providers who are able to offer enabling support to people with complex mental health issues and behaviours that challenge
  • Commission Crisis Planning training to support the skills development of the workforce.

Implement the public health strategies

Participate in the Devon-wide Transforming Care Programme (LD, autism, mental health (MH) Challenging Behaviour)

'Building the right support’ (BRS), and 'Build the right home' are national plans to develop community services and close inpatient facilities for people with a learning disability and/or autism who display behaviour that challenges. The NHS Long Term Plan also committed to a 35% reduction in inpatients with learning disabilities and/or autism by March 2020. The Devon TCP Programme aims include:

  • A better community support infrastructure resulting in a substantial reduction of family and placement breakdowns.
  • A reduction in the number of people admitted to inpatient settings, and a reduction in lengths of stay.
  • A reduction in Out of Area (OOA) placements and re-patriating of Torbay citizens who are currently placed in inpatient units outside Torbay.
  • Better quality of care and support for children, young people and adults with a learning disability and/or autism who display behaviours that challenge.
  • Better quality of life for children, young people and adults with a learning disability and/or autism who display behaviours that challenge.

Links to NHS commissioning intentions

Work very closely with NHS colleagues to deliver an integrated service. This includes end-of-life services, hospital discharge placements for people and community services that are NHS-led, such as integrated care.  For End of Life commissioning informationsee palliative and end-of-life care.