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Find out more about the background and context of our market position statement

Since 2005 we have been working to integrate Adult Social Care (ASC) services with NHS services, and by using most of the ASC budget to commission local NHS providers to deliver social care for adults, or commission independent sector providers, we can provide better ‘joined up care.’   People have told us they do not mind who provides services for them, they just want the right care provided at the right time.

In October 2015 the two largest NHS Trusts in the Torbay and South Devon area merged to form an Integrated Care Organisation (ICO), now called Torbay and South Devon NHS Foundation Trust (referred to in the rest of this document as the Trust) and we also created pooled budgets.


To outline to providers our vision for the future of health and care in Torbay and South Devon we have our New Model of Care.

Our vision of how care will look, wherever you live in Torbay and South Devon. Please contact us if you need this in another format.

The Trust, CCG and local authority are continuing to develop our New Model of Care that emphasises well-being and prevention, with a focus on using people’s strengths and assets to promote resilience and prevent their need for statutory social care intervention as well as to reduce the length of any intervention. 

Torbay has been moving to an asset-based community development model which the Torbay Community Development Trust facilitated through the Ageing Well initiative. You can also find further information here about asset-based community development in Torbay.

We have also developed a strengths-based social work approach emphasising what people can do, not what they can’t do.

ASC independent sector care providers have a crucial role to play in the current health and social care system and in our New Model of Care. Providers are key partners for us, so we want to make sure they get the information and support they need to effectively carry out their roles in the health and social care system.

Our strategic plans with the CCG and the Trust will give more insight into the local provision of adult social care, and their representatives, along with other partners, meet as the Torbay Health and Wellbeing Board, to improve the commissioning and delivery of NHS and local government services.  

We are also a member of Together for Devon, a partnership of health and social care organisations working together with local communities across Devon, Plymouth and Torbay to improve people’s health, wellbeing and care. This is part of a new arrangement - called an Integrated Care System - which is how we work from 2021.

Further information