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Market Position Statement 2021-24

Read our market position statement (MPS) which will help care providers in Torbay plan ahead for the future.

The current Market Position Statement (MPS) will expire in March 2025. The 2025/29 MPS draft is currently being finalised and will be published as soon as possible.

For many people, receiving help to stay at home and to maintain their independence for as long as possible is what matters to them and this is one of the key intended outcomes of our integrated care model.

The way in which we deliver care and support is also changing and our partnerships with care providers need to change too. We need to work together at different times in a person’s care and support journey, recognising that people’s needs change and that they need a responsive and agile network of support combining their own resources with NHS, social care, local communities and the independent sector. At the same time we need to ensure this care and support is timely, sustainable and does not weaken natural support by promoting dependence on state-funded care until it’s really needed.

The Care Act 2014 places a duty on us to:

Facilitate a diverse, sustainable high quality market for their whole local population and to promote efficient and effective operation of the adult care and support market as a whole. They must also ensure continuity of care in the event of provider failure.

This duty will be met within the context of four overarching strategic priorities:

  • Enabling more people to be healthy and stay healthy;
  • Enhancing self-care and community resilience;
  • Integrate and improve community services and care in people’s homes;
  • Deliver modern, safe and sustainable services.

In line with the strength-based approach underpinning the Care Act 2014 and the social policy changes that lead to that legislation, Torbay’s commissioning approach seeks to:

  • Increase the use of enabling housing-based models of care and support so that people have a greater choice and control over how, where and with whom they live, and how their care is provided. These options include ambitious capital projects such as multigenerational extra care housing, smaller schemes for groups with specific needs, as well as new models of home care to support people to remain living with family carers at home.
  • Increase the number of people maintaining their own independence through offering better information at an early stage to enable people to recognise their own strengths and assets, combining them with voluntary or community support and access to equipment & technology to meet their needs in the first instance.
  • Reduce the systemic use of residential care to meet social care needs. This means not placing working-age adults into care homes wherever possible, and delaying the point at which older people enter residential care. The Council and our NHS partners, will only commission homes capable of meeting very complex and nursing needs, working with our care home sector to constantly improve quality and capability within Torbay.
