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How digital tools can help patients

Find out how Technology Enabled Care Service can help people - part of the Local Account Summary.

The Technology Enabled Care Service (TECS) has been available across Torbay since 2018. The service is provided by NRS Healthcare in Paignton and provides solutions to keep people safe and independent in their own homes for longer, potentially delaying any need for formal service interventions (See below for examples)

NRS Healthcare offers a private purchase option to allow people to choose different ways to support how they access the community and live independently or care for loved ones. It’s available to anyone, not just people who live in Torbay. For those who are eligible following a Care Act Assessment, TECS will be considered before other packages of care are put in place.

During 2022/23, the supported service grew by 38% up to 833 at the end of February 2023, (compared to 603 at the end of March 2022) - a marked increase of the 2021/22 financial year that saw an 18% increase in people using the service.

As of the end of February, the 12-month rolling average of NHS’ referrals broke the 30 mark (32.58) for the first time since the service began. The increase in both referrals and people using the service is largely down to the work the TECS team has concentrated on engagement and training with people who are either conducting Care Act assessments or are involved with the care cycle. Training is also offered to people working in care agencies, voluntary sector organisations, and health staff involved in the hospital discharge process.

It’s estimated that during 2022/23 the TEC service has saved more than £7 million in preventative savings, of which about £2.7 million are new this year.

We’re working hard to develop the skills of our people who work in care, and more than 20 teams have received equipment training and many more receiving help and advice from the NHS and our partners NRS.

In January, the service launched a new initiative to help with flow through the hospital. Staff working at the discharge hub and two wards at Torbay Hospital were shown how to use the technology to help get people who are well enough to go home but are awaiting a care package to try the equipment for six weeks. In its first month, this trial saw 19 hospital bed days saved, a reduction in discharge pathway, and all but one patient with a likelihood of a reduction of calls to primary or emergency services. This is free to the client and is not dependent on meeting eligibility criteria, only that the referrer at the point of discharge decides that equipment can reduce the discharge pathway, reduce the number of days spent in hospital, or reduce the number of calls to the patient’s GP, 111, or 999. The trial run for six months until the end of July and will be widened to include the short-term services such as rapid response and reablement teams.

Ms T’s story

Ms T is a 52-year-old with learning difficulties. She is an independent and active member of her community, attending craft sessions every Tuesday and other support groups. Ms T suffers from anxiety, especially in the evening, as she lives alone, and she is a frequent visitor to Torbay Hospital’s emergency department. When her anxiety increases in the evening she calls 999. She was worried about having a fall at home and being left alone and wanted someone to talk to for reassurance.

The team met Ms T and suggested installing a Footprint GPS device at her home, and she now says she feels less anxious as she knows that if she has a fall or her anxiety level increases, she can press the SOS button and talk to an operator for reassurance.

Mrs G’s story

Mrs G has poor mobility and had a few falls when trying to get out of bed. She lives with her daughter. Mrs G had an assessment and a bed sensor with a Care Assist Pager has been installed to decrease the likelihood of falls. The bed sensor did not work as Mrs G slept sitting up, which triggered the alarm while she was asleep. A staff member contacted the TEC team for advice, and they suggested trying a long-range beam kit with an infrared light beam that triggers a local alarm within the property when broken.

A kit was installed and Mrs G’s daughter said she’s sleeping better now and knows she will be alerted if her mum tries to get out of bed. Mrs G has not had a fall since the beam was installed.

Mr R’s story

Mr R, 60, has mental health issues and often forgets to take his medication, shower and wash his clothes. He said he felt unsafe in the community.

The TECS team met with Mr R and arranged an automatic pill dispenser to help him manage his medicine; an electronic device which reminds him to carry out his personal care, and a home security system which helps him feel safe and call for help when he needs it.

Health Connect Coaching was designed by patients and staff from Torbay and South Devon NHS Foundation Trust and matches people who may be struggling to manage their health and wellbeing with a trained peer coach who has experience of the same condition or challenges they face. 

People with a long-term condition such as diabetes, rheumatology, and chronic pain can refer themselves to receive tailored one-to-one support during the six-month programme. With the help of a coach they are encouraged to make simple but long-lasting changes to their life such as taking gentle exercise or changes to their diet, and signposted to services and support. It’s designed to encourage, support and empower people to build their knowledge, skills and confidence in a way that matters most to them, reduce their dependency on medical interventions and live well to manage their condition.

We know that encouraging people to make simple changes to their lifestyle can help them to take control of their condition and reduce their dependency on NHS services. It’s about matching them with someone who has walked in their shoes and just gets it.

You can learn more about our award-winning programme in this report by BBC Spotlight. Thank you to BBC Spotlight for allowing us to share its coverage of our Health Connect Coaching programme with you. 

Do you want some help to manage your long-term condition?  Contact or find out more about becoming a volunteer Health Connect Coach.