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Councillor Hayley Tranter

Foreward for the Local Account Summary 2022/23 by Councillor Hayley Tranter: Cabinet Member for Adult and Community Services, Public Health and Inequalities.

Picture of Cllr Hayley TrantorWelcome and thank you for reading our Local Account Summary. But what is this summary and why do we produce it?

This summary is an annual report which sets out how our adult social care service has been performing in Torbay over the past 12 months.

It includes contributions from our people working at the forefront of social care but just as importantly, we have included submissions from the people who use these services.

We believe very strongly in working collaboratively with residents and partner organisations so that we can constantly improve on our efforts.

Partnership working has certainly been at the forefront of our minds as we deal with the twin impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic and the rising cost of living – our voluntary sector organisations work closely with some of our most vulnerable residents.

I would like to express my gratitude to those working in the adult social care system, and our partners across Torbay, for their continued efforts to meet whatever challenges are thrown at them.

We couldn’t deliver our services without the hard work and dedication of our workforce and that’s why we are continuing to invest in training and development to enable our teams to reach their potential for you.

Councillor Hayley Tranter
Cabinet Member for Adult and Community Services, Public Health and Inequalities