If you want to report an issue for the first time or have spotted something that you feel needs to be reported to us, we have a number of online reporting forms you can use:
Community Safety
- Report an empty property
- Report a Health and Safety concern including dangerous buildings
- Report dog fouling
- Report fly tipping
- Report grafitti
- Report fly posting
- Report a mice or rat problem
- Report unauthorised encampments - travellers etc
- Report anti-social behaviour
- Make a noise compaint
- Report nuisance bonfires
- Report Fraud within or against Torbay Council - this includes:
- Blue badge misuse
- Council tax support
- Council tax single person discount
- Fraud committed by someone from the Council (Whistleblowing)
- Housing benefit
- Residents parking misuse
- Wrongly received a reduced council tax bill
- Report a highways problem - this includes:
- Road problems such as potholes
- Drainage issues
- Footpath problems
- Litter
- Grass, flower beds and trees affecting the highway
- Public rights of way
- Roadworks
- Signs, seats, railings
- Skips or scaffold
- Report a dead animal on a road or footpath
- Report a faulty street light
- Report a problem with traffic lights
- Complain about a food product
- Report poor hygiene in food premises
- Complain about a taxi or a driver
- Pay a Penalty Charge Notice (parking ticket)
- Appeal a Penalty Charge Notice (parking ticket)
- Cars for sale on the road
- Report an abandoned vehicle
- Report illegally parked vehicles
- Report damaged paths or boardwalks
- Report park or playground defects
- Report a problem with lighting in a park
Recycling and waste
- Request a new or replacement waste container
- Check recycling and waste collection dates
- Report a missed bin