Responsible Officers: Nancy Meehan, Kevin Mowat and Jo Williams
Cabinet Members: Councillors Law, Morey and Stockman
Total: £2.706m
Allocation of the Social Care Grant (adult social care)
- Cabinet Portfolio: Adults and Public Health
- Service: Adult Services
- Proposal: Allocation of half of the Social Care Grant to adult social care with the aim of supporting the provider market.
- Anticipated outcomes: The adult social care market is supported to ensure that appropriate care can be provided to those who need it.
- Associated risks: The volatility of the market continues and cost and demand pressure rise over and above the funds available.
- Environmental impact: There would be no differential environmental impact.
- Economic impact: A significant proportion of the local economy is within the health and social care sector and therefore the support provided will have a positive impact.A significant proportion of the local economy is within the health and social care sector and therefore the support provided will have a positive impact.
- Equality impact: Ensuring that the social care market is supported will ensure that those with specific needs (in particular the older population and those with disabilities) are protected.
- 2022/23 Proposed Budget change: £1.168m
Allocation of the Social Care Grant (children’s social care)
- Cabinet Portfolio: Children’s Services
- Service: Children’s Services
- Proposal: Allocation of half of the Social Care Grant to children’s social care to:
Creation of contingency within the revenue budget to meet increased placement costs
- Anticipated outcomes: The Council is able to meet any increases in costs of its children’s social care placements throughout the year without negatively impacting on its overall financial position.
- Associated risks: Placement cost pressures increase over and above the level of contingency.
- Environmental impact: There would be no differential environmental impact.
- Economic impact: There would be no differential economic impact.
- Equality impact: There would be no differential equality impact.
- 2022/23 Proposed Budget change: £500,000
Additional funding for youth support
- Anticipated outcomes: Increased access to resources and activities for young people which will enable them to avoid the risks associated with exploitation.
- Associated risks: Demand exceeds available resources even with the additional funding.
- Environmental impact: There would be no differential environmental impact.
- Economic impact: Young people would be supported into adulthood with skills and aspirations to enable them to positively enter the workforce.
- Equality impact: Young people, including those with protected characteristics, would be positively supported.
- 2022/23 Proposed Budget change: £100,000
Funding of National Insurance and inflation costs
- Anticipated outcomes: 50% of the increased National Insurance and inflation costs within Children’s Services are met.
- Associated risks: There are no risks associated with this proposal. Allocation of the grant to meet these costs reduces the risk across the Council’s budget.
- Environmental impact: There would be no differential environmental impact.
- Economic impact: There would be no differential economic impact.
- Equality impact: There would be no differential equality impact.
- 2022/23 Proposed Budget change: £568,000
Investment in Special Educational Need and Disability (SEND) services (one-off funding)
- Cabinet Portfolio: Children’s Services
- Service: Children’s Services
- Proposal: Targeted early support for those children identified as having Special Educational Needs and Disabilities following the recent Local Area Inspection (Ofsted/CQC)
- Anticipated outcomes: Children to benefit from earlier identification and targeted support to prevent escalation.
- Associated risks: The investment does not deliver enough improvements at a great enough pace to prevent escalation.
- Environmental impact: There would be no differential environmental impact.
- Economic impact: There would be no differential economic impact.
- Equality impact: Children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities are positively supported.
- 2022/23 Proposed Budget change: £400,000
Use an alternative funding source to continue our work with Groundwork South
- Cabinet Portfolio: Infrastructure, Environment and Culture
- Service: SWISCo - Parks and Green Infrastructure
- Proposal: Use Section 106 monies to fund an engagement post within Groundwork South.
- Anticipated outcomes: There will be continued community engagement in our green spaces.
- Associated risks: Section 106 monies are linked to separate legal agreements and the funding may be difficult to pool.
- Environmental impact: The work undertaken by Groundwork South has a positive environmental impact.
- Economic impact: There would be no differential economic impact.
- Equality impact: There would be no differential equality impact.
- 2022/23 Proposed Budget change: (£30,000)