Responsible Officers: Kevin Mowat and Martin Phillips
Cabinet Members: Councillors Cowell, Long and Morey
Total: £625,000
Review the fee structure for beach huts
- Cabinet Portfolio: Infrastructure, Environment and Culture
- Service: Tor Bay Harbour Authority
- Proposal: Ensure that an appropriate fee structure is in place for beach huts.
- Anticipated outcomes: The fee structure will reflect the demand for particular sites based on location, facilities etc.
- Associated risks: The new fee structure has a negative impact on the demand for beach huts.
- Environmental impact: There would be no differential environmental impact.
- Economic impact: There would be no differential economic impact.
- Equality impact: There would be no differential equality impact.
- 2022/23 Proposed Budget change: (£50,000)
Prudential borrowing costs for The Pavilion
- Cabinet Portfolio: Finance
- Service: Finance
- Proposal: Allowance made within the budget to meet the borrowing costs associated with the Council’s investment in The Pavilion
- Anticipated outcomes: The Council is able to meet the borrowing costs within its budget, enabling works to progress on The Pavilion
- Associated risks: Further borrowing is required for the works over and above that which has been allowed for.
- Environmental impact: There would be no differential impact of this proposal. However, the environmental impacts of the works at The Pavilion will be considered throughout the project.
- Economic impact: There would be no differential economic impact of this proposal. However, the economic impacts of the works at The Pavilion will be considered throughout the project.
- Equality impact: There would be no differential equality impact of this proposal. However, the equality impacts of the works at The Pavilion will be considered throughout the project.
- 2022/23 Proposed Budget change: £100,000
Reduced contribution from the Harbour Account
- Cabinet Portfolio: Finance
- Service: Finance
- Proposal: A reduction in the contribution to the Council’s revenue budget from the Harbour Account than was originally budgeted for.
- Anticipated outcomes: The Council, as Harbour Authority, is able to build up reserves which will ensure the continued delivery of a stable, sustainable service to all our harbour users.
- Associated risks: The Harbour Account faces increased pressure for which greater funds are required.
- Environmental impact: There would be no differential impact.
- Economic impact: There would be no differential economic impact.
- Equality impact: There would be no differential equality impact.
- 2022/23 Proposed Budget change: £75,000
Premier Resort funding (one-off funding)
- Cabinet Portfolio: Economic Regeneration, Tourism and Housing
- Service: Place
- Proposal: Additional funding to support the Council’s ambition of being the UK’s premier tourist resort.
- Anticipated outcomes: The Council is able to invest in its resort services, including but not limited to responding to an increase in demand through the summer and facilitating events to celebrate the Platinum Jubilee and Christmas.
- Associated risks: The Council will need the officer capacity to be able to deliver this investment.
- Environmental impact: The Council would want to see a positive environmental impact from this investment, the details of which will be considered as individual schemes are progressed.
- Economic impact: The Council would want to see a positive economic impact from this investment, the details of which will be considered as individual schemes are progressed.
- Equality impact: The Council would want to see a positive equality impact from this investment, the details of which will be considered as individual schemes are progressed.
- 2022/23 Proposed Budget change: £500,000