The Cabinet published draft proposals for the Council’s revenue and capital budget for 2022/23 in January 2022 and an online survey was created to gather public views. The survey opened on 13 January 2022 and closed at midnight on 8 February 2022.
There were 150 responses to the on-line survey. All percentages shown within this report use the number of people that completed the survey as the denominator. All comments within this report are shown as written by the respondent.
During the course of the consultation, we also ran Facebook and Twitter polls on some of the proposals and those results are also included within this report.
There were also 3 written representations received from organisations in response to the budget proposals.
Proposal | Agree | % | Disagree |
Social Care Grant split | 111 | 21.30% | 32 |
Community Builders | 89 | 35.30% | 53 |
Special Educational Needs and Disability early support | 120 | 15.30% | 23 |
Torbay Sports Clubs | 95 | 31.30% | 47 |
Investment towards our ambition of being the UK's premier tourist resort | 111 | 24.70% | 37 |
The Pavilion | 107 | 26.70% | 40 |
Allocation for Carbon Neutral Action Plans delivery | 81 | 43.30% | 65 |
SWISCo investment | 111 | 24.70% | 37 |
Community Ward Fund | 115 | 22.70% | 34 |
Council Tax | 89 | 40.70% | 61 |
Responses to the Proposals
Social Care Grant Split
We are proposing to split our Social Care Grant and allocate it equally between adult social care and children's social care. This will enable us to:
- Support the adult social care provider market (£1,168,000)
- Help to meet the increased costs in children’s social care from inflation and the National Insurance increase (£568,000)
- Invest £100,000 in further youth support provision
- Create a contingency fund for the increasing costs of our children’s social care placements (£500,000)
Options | Number | % |
Agree with this proposal | 111 | 74.00% |
Disagree with this proposal | 32 | 21.30% |
No response | 7 | 4.70% |
Total | 150 | 100.00% |
Prioritise Children
- I believe more money should go to children over ASC. The more support children get the less they’ll need as adults
- Children's social care should have more
Children’s Services issues
- How many children in care in torbay are being supported elsewhere in the country and at what cost
- Are you examining the reasons for children coming into social care and doing something about that?......
Prioritise Adults
- Adult social care is the priority
- Now that gov has announced the £1.4b national funding pot over the next three years (market sustainability and Cost for Care Fund) this proposal should be reviewed as the fund is to allocated for providers fees (nursing residential abs 18+ homecare) following a fair cost for care exercise
ASC issues
- There is a need for a serious look into adult social care. Both my experiences were not good.
- Yes.. if more could be found to help ease the burden in our hospitals.. Provide places for patients ready to leave hospital to go too...
Fair / Good
- Both are in desperate need of funds but this is the fairest way
- Its very good idea
Council spending
- Don’t keep trying to blame the Government (NI increases). You have had a £4 million extra grant from the Government, for the next financial year. Stop bleating and get your house in order.
- WE can't afford a £500,000 contingency fund. At home everything is on the edge, we can't afford a "contingency fund" of any amount personally so you should be tightening your belt as well.
- Why is it th e people that are working to try and maintain a decent level of living, are getting penalised to pay more for the health care, whilst we are having our NI increased to offset This, and then Torbay council are penalising the workers again, whilst the unworking, for whatever reason, get away with paying anything.
- More cash MUST be allocated for waste disposal and recycling. That is the priority.
- More investment is needed in post 16 and maybe teach your staff to care.
- Ageing population. Stop taking families from other areas with large families draining our resources.
Community Builders
We are proposing to invest £900,000 over three years to fund the Community Builders, so their vital work within our communities continues. This will be funded from the adult social care precept of Council Tax.
Options | Number | % |
Agree with this proposal | 89 | 59.30% |
Disagree with this proposal | 53 | 35.30% |
No response | 8 | 5.30% |
Total | 150 | 100.00% |
In response to the Facebook and Twitter polls for this proposal, there were 32 responses in agreement with the proposal and 7 against it.
Special Educational Needs and Disability early support
We are proposing to invest £400,000 (on a one-off basis) to target early support for those children who come to our attention as having Special Educational Needs and Disability. As a result we will develop our early support for children and their families by improving and developing the range of services we provide.
Options | Number | % |
Agree with this proposal | 120 | 80.00% |
Disagree with this proposal | 23 | 15.30% |
No response | 7 | 4.70% |
Total | 150 | 100.00% |
In response to the Facebook and Twitter polls for this proposal there were 26 responses in agreement with the proposal and 4 against it.
Respondents were asked to comment on any specific areas where they thought we should invest this money. The comments received have been grouped into themes and a sample of the responses shown:
Education / Life Skills
- More 121 support in primary schools and at home for children with special needs.
- Support in schools to ensure those with SEN can stay in school and get the help they need there.
- Throughout their whole journey from early years to education to potentially work experience and jobs.
- More life skills opportunities and alternative education opportunities.
Support suggestions
- More independent provisions that provide therapeutic approach - many children are coming out of the education system mentally scarred and traumatised anything from then on without this approach is going to fail.
- Make HANDLE therapy available and accessible to all children with any special needs
- Respite Support for carers of children with special needs too
Identification of SEN
- Autistic children in the bay. The waiting list for the diagnosis is too long and after the diagnosis, there is just not enough help and support.
- More prompt diagnosis, professional and peer support for parents and respite care.
Investment sum
- I don’t agree with a one off payment, it will achieve little. If this is an important issue give it a little financial support each year not a one off single sum.
- INVEST, INVEST? Tighten your belt and just pay for what is totally necessary we personally have no option.
- We need to invest in our future
Torbay Sports Clubs
In order to encourage our residents to be active, we are proposing to provide a further £50,000 investment for sports clubs as part of the Torbay on the Move initiative.
Options | Number | % |
Agree with this proposal | 95 | 63.30% |
Disagree with this proposal | 47 | 31.30% |
No response | 8 | 5.30% |
Total | 150 | 100.00% |
Investment towards our ambition of being the UK’s premier tourist resort
We are expecting more people to holiday in the UK again this coming summer and we want to make the experience in Torbay as good as we can. We are proposing to invest £500,000 towards our ambition of Torbay being the UK’s premier tourist resort. This investment could be used for:
- additional staff during the peak season to keep our seafronts clean and tidy
- some improvements in seafront infrastructure and
- events at Christmas and for the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee
Options | Number | % |
Agree with this proposal | 111 | 74.00% |
Disagree with this proposal | 37 | 24.70% |
No response | >5 | ~ |
Total | 150 | 100.00% |
In response to the Facebook poll for this proposal there were 23 responses in agreement with the proposal and none against it.
Respondents were asked for their views on where this investment should be focussed. The comments received have been grouped into themes and a sample of the responses shown:
- Long term investment in tourism, the bay relys heavily on income from tourism and we need it long term not just summer and Christmas. We should be promoting Torbay as a great short getaway for half terms and Easter holidays.
- Firstly can inpropose that you consider implementing a small tourist tax. This is common practice in most European resorts and would allow more investment in be h and other tourist areas and enable more and cleaning and maintenance
- The provision of Motorhome overnight parking in Torbay is all about boosting our local businesses and economy by encouraging people to visit our local towns and villages and preventing local businesses going bust.
- Tourists want to know that there will be good parking, at a reasonable price and that there will be good provision of loos for the family on the seafront - or they’ll think twice about a return visit.
Cleaning and bins
- The public realm generally needs to be well maintained and clean and tidy, and not just the sea fronts
- There were times last summer when Paignton beech was covered in seaweed after bad weather.The seaweed was not cleared away and became smelly and very unattractive making the beech an unpleasant place to spend time particularly when the tide was in.
- why not get offenders doing community service to keep our streets cleaner?
- Why should the council only worry about Torbay being clean and tidy in the Summer. We should be proud all year round….
Events / Attractions / facilities
- Staff on the beaches with deckchairs and sun loungers for hire
- Continental food market to return to the harbour front/by the theatre. Something on the green in front of Torre Abbey maybe music/fair or a show I think Torbay does quite well at facilitating for Tourists.
- Jubilee dancing Carnival and xmas market and street enetertainment
- Activities on the seafronts that encourage looking after our oceans
Maintenance / regeneration
- more investment in maintaining parks and gardens in the three towns, not just Torquay
- Need to focus on the basics first, more cleaning more graffiti removal done faster no point in throwing money at new when what is currently in place isn’t maintained. Some form of what’s app style group or facebook style group for problems to be reported with photos quickly. Once an issue has been resolved would be good for a photo reply it seems silly but it’s easy to forget how much people does get done.
- For holidaymakers, as well as local and Torquay residents, local schools, Watcombe Scout camp etc. money to be allocated to survey and repair and upgrade the access and facilities at Watcombe beach, currently in a dangerous state due to land slippage from rain and storm damage to the beach.
Beach Managers / Staff / Volunteers
- Beach Managers? More dog wardens please.
- Trained first aiders on the beaches and defibrillators available on every beach.
- Encourage volunteers to come forward and help keep seafront tidy
- Make ALL the public toilets accessible using cash. Bring back access to toilets using RADAR key for disabled people. Torbay will get a reputation as being the unfriendly resort if you are elderly or disabled. Not everyone has a contactless card.
- Toilets! You have taken away basic provision at so many locations, people are defecating behind beach huts/cabins/chalets. Broadsands is particularly bad. Not only causing health risks for beach users but for our fantastic beach team. No-one is paid enough to clear this away.
- Toilets, toilets, toilets. More in more locations…..
- Tourists will come anyway, and don’t bring that much money to the economy. 500,000 is a lot of money that could be spent elsewhere improving the lives of people Who live in Torbay.
- More events focused for locals and not holidaymakers
Town Centres
- Paignton town centre seems to be the forgotten resort and is becoming more and more desolate. Something needs to be done to attract more businesses and investment
- …..There are no shops, the town centre is dead, people can see a Christmas Market in one day, there's no reason for people to stay here longer. The town centre needs help to get started again, maybe create a fund to supplement commercial rent for people who are just starting their business. Encourage people to populate the town centre again……
Policing / ASB
- Would like to see improved enforcement against antisocial activities and obstructive parking
- More visitors to torbay will substantially increase demand on all services, it could also cause antisocial behaviour. There will be needs for constant monitoring and attention. The police will need to be seen to be attentive…..
- ……The quality of car parking remains poor, with many car parks having very small badly marked bays. I have witnessed visitors giving up and driving on when they cannot fit their even medium sized cars into a parking slot.
I agree as long as the proposed infrastructure doesn't include further parking restrictions or stealth taxes.
- First you need at least 3 dog wardens in each town, who can fine dog owners who do not pick up their dogs mess…..
- ……Dog litter monitors are needed also... create revenue whilst ensuring our public spaces are clean and safe.
Town disparity - …..will any work carried out on the seafronts only be for Torquay and Paignton with Brixham receiving nothing, as usual.
- Affordable Housing for older people
- Use it to reduce the council tax.
The Pavilion
We have identified £100,000 per year within our revenue budget to enable us to borrow money to undertake works on The Pavilion in Torquay.
Options | Number | % |
Agree with this proposal | 107 | 71.30% |
Disagree with this proposal | 40 | 26.70% |
No response | >5 | ~ |
Total | 150 | 100.00% |
In response to the Facebook and Twitter polls for this proposal there were 60 responses in agreement with the proposal and 11 against it.
Allocation for Carbon Neutral Action Plans delivery
We are developing our Carbon Neutral Action Plans both as a Council and across the community. To make sure that we can deliver against these plans we are proposing to allocate £75,000 to appoint more members of staff and £100,000 (one-off funding) to meet the additional costs of carbon neutral projects and infrastructure.
Options | Number | % |
Agree with this proposal | 81 | 54.00% |
Disagree with this proposal | 65 | 43.30% |
No response | >5 | ~ |
Total | 150 | 100.00% |
In response to the Facebook poll for this proposal there was 1 response in agreement with the proposal and 1 against it.
SWISCo Investment
We are proposing to invest £1,500,000 into SWISCo (Torbay’s Waste Management Company) to address many years of underinvestment in Tor2. We also are planning to set aside around £400,000 for new IT systems for the company.
We want to make sure that SWISCo is a successful and stable company which delivers services effectively to our community.
Options | Number | % |
Agree with this proposal | 111 | 74.00% |
Disagree with this proposal | 37 | 24.70% |
No response | >5 | ~ |
Total | 150 | 100.00% |
In response to the Facebook and Twitter polls for this proposal there were 52 responses in agreement with the proposal and 7 against it.
Community Ward Fund
We are proposing that the Community Ward Fund is run for a second year with our councillors and Community Partnerships working together to decide on the things that they would like to see improved in their local area.
Options | Number | % |
Agree with this proposal | 111 | 74.00% |
Disagree with this proposal | 37 | 24.70% |
No response | >5 | ~ |
Total | 150 | 100.00% |
In response to the Facebook and Twitter polls for this proposal there were 15 responses in agreement with the proposal and 5 against it.
Council Tax
We are proposing to increase the Torbay Council element of Council Tax by 1.99% plus 1% for adult social care. This equates to 94p per week (£49.06 per year) for an average Band D property.
Options | Number | % |
Agree with this proposal | 89 | 59.30% |
Disagree with this proposal | 61 | 40.70% |
No response | 0 | 0 |
Total | 150 | 100.00% |
In response to the Facebook poll for this proposal there were 3 responses in agreement with the proposal and 1 against it.
Ideas for Savings or Income Generation
Respondents were asked to tell us about their ideas for savings or income generation and any views they had on the other proposals within our Draft Budget for 2022/2023 which are not highlighted in this questionnaire. A sample of the responses is shown below.
- People are on a Low Budget and have to find extra money for Heating their homes. The council Tax already went up 5% last year Look again at cutting the Budget on certain Items to make it more affordable to Residents
- Stop with the fancy proposals and tighten your belt. Pensioners (a lot in Torbay) have to cope with 3.1% increase when inflation is running at 5% or more. DO NOT ADD TO OUR PROBLEMS.
- Move the council out of the town cente, and sell off Castle Circus bui;lding
- Review of all Council staff job descriptions (especially roles that are over 10 years old) to make sure that they are being paid correctly (increase or decrease)…..
- Real interest and improvement needed in the less affluent areas of Torquay improvement the areas for those of us who have to live here rather than just the bits seen by the tourists or the areas that obviously don't need it.
- Why not keep the streets clean, utilise redundant buildings for use as accommodation, empty bins on time. Torquay seems to be regenerating, but nothing is said about Paignton. You have the money. Are you withholding the funds to spend on something else, hoping we residents of Paignton will forget.
- Replace SWISCO with an independent body via open tender process, Engage at reasonable cost an external management audit company to help you cut out dead wood from your workforce.
- A regular green waste collection service would be helpful…..
- Plan to keep investing in general infrastructure across the bay, with an idea to link the towns properly for residents and tourists alike, that’s creating safe cycle routes off road and also improving the overall road network consistently
- Please look at accessibility to the sea at various locations including Meadfoot and Ansteys cove for paddle boarders and kayaks - currently dangerously overused. This will in turn bring more people to the beaches helping tourism income generation.
- The Council should stop living in their blinkered world of 'zero carbon, more trees, dig up the roads, more lanests for more cyclists' get to live in the real world where, at the moment, residents need better roads to get a to work in order to pay the Council their tax.
- The enviromental changes rushing at us now need mitigating. Many see this as a tomorrow problem but by then it will be far worse. If ever we need to put a stitch in time it is this. Invest more in energy efficient industrial and commercial, offices, affordable and rental housing, and other buildings please. Also pedestrian, cycle and public transport.
- Council Tax increases should only be used to ensure that those vunerable families in the resort currently on Universal Credit should benefit from a 100% Council Tax Reduction.
- Would like to see more spent on highways, especially parking controls
- The budget should reflect the stated aims of e.g. Local Transport Plan, Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan to increase journeys by walking and cycling. Proportionally the budget should reflect this in its investment in walking and cycling capital and revenue spending.
- Stop wasting money on projects that you think are fashionable and will make you look good. Concentrate on the many, many things that NEED doing.
- Reduce financial allowances for councillors in all areas. Increase developer contributions to the council upon planning approval and increase penalty / charge for non development of brownfield or holding back approved housing land in preference to the use of greenfields.
- More use of Community payback, volunteer groups, disability groups to support local initiatives. More LOCAL focus on events. Too much about attracting tourists who buy food in supermarkets, stay in global brand accommodation & just bring chaos & crime to our streets. Just how much does the Bay benefit in terms of net profit?
There were additional Facebook and Twitter polls on a recycling rates proposal which was not included in the online questionnaire:
We want to save £120,000 in our 2022/23 revenue budget by encouraging everyone to recycle more. The more that’s recycled the less we have to pay to dispose of waste and we can increase the amount of income we receive from recycled material.
In response to the Facebook and Twitter polls for this proposal there were 54 responses in agreement with the proposal and 1 against it.
Respondent Profile
Please tell us your postcode
Postcode | Number |
TQ1 | 42 |
TQ2 | 27 |
TQ3 | 34 |
TQ4 | 23 |
TQ5 | 13 |
Outside of Torbay | >5 |
No response | 8 |
Which of the following best describes how you think of yourself?
Options | Number | % |
Female | 69 | 46.00% |
Male | 70 | 46.70% |
Other | >5 | ~ |
Prefer not to say | 6 | 4.00% |
No response or other comment | 5 | 3.30% |
Total | 150 | 100.00% |
Which of the following age groups applies to you?
Age range | Number | % |
0 - 15 | >5 | ~ |
16 - 24 | >5 | ~ |
25 - 34 | 11 | 7.30% |
35 - 44 | 22 | 14.70% |
45 - 54 | 14 | 9.30% |
55 - 64 | 39 | 26.00% |
65 - 74 | 42 | 28.00% |
75 + | 20 | 13.30% |
No response | >5 | ~ |
Total | 150 | 100.00% |
Do you consider yourself to be disabled in any way?
Options | Number | % |
Yes | 32 | 21.30% |
No | 117 | 78.00% |
No response | >5 | ~ |
Total | 150 | 100.00% |
Social Media Evaluation
The budget consultation was promoted widely across all Torbay Council’s Facebook and Twitter accounts, in staff news, via our One Torbay newsletter and local media. The consultation and detailed information about the budget made available on our website. The aim of the campaign was to ensure that residents, stakeholders and groups were aware of the consultation on the proposed budget for 2022/2023 and the wider financial constraints on Torbay Council. It also encouraged them to provide feedback on proposals which may impact on them.
A range of social media posts were created including 17 Facebook or Twitter polls which complimented the consultation. They asked members of the public to agree or disagree with the proposals as well as inviting them to post comments. A Facebook Live was held to explain the proposals and answer questions from members of the public.
The posts included links to the consultation. There were 262 direct link clicks from our Facebook posts to the Budget and Budget Consultation web pages. The total reach (number of people that saw / scrolled past the posts) was 29,234 people.
In total there were 309 votes in the Facebook and Twitter polls. Of those 270 votes (87.4%) were in favour of the proposals and 39 votes (12.6%) were against. In the polls, more people agreed to the proposals than disagreed, except for the poll relating to investing in community builders which had a 50-50 split on Twitter, but full backing on Facebook and the poll relating to the Pavilion which had a 50-50 split on Facebook.
The reach, impressions, and comments weren’t as high as in the previous year’s consultation. However, more people liked and shared the posts, clicked directly through to the budget and consultation pages, and the engagement rate was higher (2.5% compared with 1.7%).
One Torbay generated 362 direct click links to the Budget and Budget Consultation web pages.
Most of the feedback on Torbay Council’s social media channels was posted on Facebook. Torbay Council responded to comments to answer any questions posed, to correct misinformation, to signpost people to the consultation, and to refer comments to relevant departments. In addition, members of the council joined in the conversations and were able to put their views direct to residents.
Comments in response to our social media posts are listed below.
- Recycling bins need looking at as they generate so much liter in the bay, they need proper flip lids.
- Lets do away with curb side sorting, wht not sort it centrally like most councils.
- Give us bigger recycling bins and green bins.
- Look at subscription garden waste service. Almost all other councils do.
- Recycle at the depot. It would create extra employment.
- Good news (about investing more in SEND) but you could contact the local nurseries direct as there is more and more children arriving with SEND at their doors.
- Make time here more fun and easy by giving us free toilets, free parking, less militant parking wardens, a seafront skatepark as Torquay is one of the only towns in the south West without one.
- Replace benches along the coast and sea fronts.
- Can double yellow lines be repainted in areas, they are causing hard to residents.
- "Many new build houses have been bought and then a few months later they are up for LET. There needs to be strict conditions on people buying these so called affordable homes and not allowing anyone to buy them and then LET them out. "
- More support for vulnerable people is needed to keep their tenancies.
- More money for roads and pavements is needed.
- The centre of town should be moved down and part residentialised.
- SWISCo need more support from the public by sorting their own recycling, breaking down boxes and plastics
- IT would be good if community builders raised their profiles in each area, so many people have never heard of them, or know who theirs are in their area.
- Early intervention mental well-being needs to be a priority.
Facebook Live
The Facebook Live event on 2 February 2022 was viewed by 82 people at its peak on the night and was viewed by 1,700 people overall. There were 355 engagements, either by reactions, comments or shares.
Themes from the Live comments:
- What are we doing to help the homeless and those in temporary accommodation? More money needs to be spent on housing
- What support is there for lower income families?
- When are double yellow lines being repainted in areas? Roads and pavements need attention/Graffiti and rubbish everywhere
- What do the Community Builders do? – Some are also more active than others, how are they being measured? What is regarded as a success for them?
- How are going to rejuvenate our town centres? And manage the drug and alcohol problems in them
- SWISCo – are there plans to invest in staff as well as IT?
- SWISCo – weekly Sunday drop off at the coach station worked well, can it be reinstated?
Positive comments:
- Got to say…. Children’s services are now amazing in Torbay! So credit where it’s due! Amazing work! My wife had some integration with the team there. Brilliant!
- Great to have the street markets, brings a great vibe into Torquay
- ‘SWISCo team have been fabulous in Galmpton! Well done on their level of service they could not be more helpful’
- It’s great to actually have some interaction between council and people always feel cut off
Written Representations
Dear Councillor
100% Council Tax Reduction Scheme
We are writing to you to ask you to support the introduction of a Council Tax Support scheme in Torbay. You may know that prior to the introduction of Universal Credit, households on low incomes could get a100% reduction in Council Tax. Under subsequent arrangements each local authority can establish their own scheme which sets a minimum rate which each household must pay.
Torbay has set this rate at 30%which means even those on the lowest levels of income have to pay this amount. Neighbouring Teignbridge has set their level at 0% along with many other Councils. Even South Hams levies only 15%. You will know the Government has withdrawn the £20 per week uplift for those on Universal Credit, the regulator has permitted substantial increases in energy prices, which are now forecast to go even higher this year, food prices are increasing and other every day costs are increasing alarmingly, which will impact most on the lowest income households. Evidence shows that in Torbay most of these households are in work, many are single parents, and a large proportion are households with children. The main impact of not having a reduction scheme in Torbay is that this winter those who are innocent and most vulnerable will be at greatest risk of going hungry and cold. A significant number of these are likely to be your constituents.
Steve Darling is on record saying that One of the Council’s priorities is to tackle poverty in the Bay. The introduction of a Council Tax Reduction scheme would give voice to this commitment.
We hope you can support this move and put pressure on the present Council administration to include this measure in their budget proposals for 2022-2023. We look forward to hearing from you.
Yours Faithfully,
Eddie Harris -T.L.L. Campaign Forum Secretary
Dear Torbay Council,
I am writing to you as the Chair of the Imagine this…partnership of 48 vcse organisations who work with children, young people and families cross Torbay.
Firstly I would like to offer our support to the development proposal to increase funding for youth work by £100K. However, we know from our youthwork partners that there are a number of areas and groups underserved in Torbay and although £100K will improve things, it will not enable full coverage across the bay.
Secondly, We have reviewed the proposals and are surprised that, despite the improvement priority for early help and engagement in extensive activity to create an early help network across Torbay with paid for input from PeopleToo, there are no proposals in the draft budget to provide additional resources to broaden the range of early help out in the community. There are amazing organisations both across our partnership and beyond who provide significant positive impact, but they are at capacity. Childrens Services led engagement on early help promotes better early help in three town based localities. To ensure that we deliver effective early help across Torbay we need investment in the range of community and voluntary organisations that can support this. We would propose a development fund of £500K to appropriately resource effective early help delivery. We also feel that this level of investment needs to be sustained over a minimum of three years to ensure effectiveness and sustainability.
Imagine This… partners support the proposed development fund for SEND Reform, following the recent ofsted report and note the requirement for more effective co-production with parents, children and young people. Imagine this partners already work with these people and are well versed in effective co-production and working with young people with Learning Disabilities and would like to propose that Imagine this is formerly engaged in the SEND reforms and would like to assist with effective engagement and co-production. As far as we are aware we have two partners on the newly convened group to develop the plans / reforms, which is Pat Teague (Healthwatch and Torbay Youth Trust and Kelly Givens, SENDIASS Manager. We would also propose inviting Tanny Stobart from Play Torbay, who is already supporting this work and the newly forming Parents Forum.
Simon Sherbersky, Chair, Imagine This…`Torbay is a great place to grow up` vcse Partnership
Dear Torbay Council,
In my role as current Chair, I am writing on behalf of the VCSE Wellbeing Network to support the direction of travel we have experienced, led by Adult Social Care. We have seen a huge change in approach to partnership working with our sector, where we have been made to feel like equal and valued partners.
We really support this shift in approach and the associated funds that have been allocated to enable our sector to support people in need across Torbay and, in particular, the support to maintain the VCSE network community helpline and associated supports and the creation of the VCSE alliance, which shows this commitment to partnership working needed for the residents of Torbay.
Stuart Bakewell
Head of Operations and Business Development