Total: £23,889,000
Capital Repairs and Maintenance 20/21 and 21/22
DfE grant to provide resources to improve the condition of school premises.
- 2022/23 Budget: £400,000
Education Review Projects
Resources from Government allocations to provide improved School facilities are still to be allocated to specific projects.
- 2022/23 Budget: £3,329,000
Mayfield Expansion
Provide additional pupil place capacity
- Latest approval: Council -16 July 2020
- Total estimated cost: £1,575,000
- 2022/23 Budget: £500,000
St Cuthbert Mayne Expansion
School expansion to provide additional Secondary School places in Torquay
- Latest approval: Council -16 July 2020
- Total estimated cost: £3,600,000
- 2022/23 Budget: £500,000
Additional allocation (School Conditions Allocation & Diocese contribution)
- Latest approval: Cabinet - 21 September 2021
- Total estimated cost: £190,000
Funding from Sustainable Travel Initiative
- Total estimated cost: £6,000
Polsham Centre Development
Allocation from underspend on Special Provision Fund.
- Latest approval: Cabinet - February 2022
- Total estimated cost: £250,000
- 2022/23 Budget: £200,000
Foster Home - adaptations
Allocation from revenue to fund the costs of adaptations in foster homes.
- Latest approval: Revenue
- Total estimated cost: £300,000
- 2022/23 Budget: £100,000
Crossways, Paignton
Proposals for mixed use development to include extra care and affordable housing.
- Latest approval: Council - 26 September 2019
- Total estimated cost: £22,359,000
- 2022/23 Budget: £7,500,000
Additional funding from Future High Street & Adult Social Care Capital
- Latest approval: Cabinet - 16 November 2021
- Total estimated cost: £3,020,000
Disabled Facilities Grants
Residual balance of 2021/22 DFG allocation. 2022/23 allocation expected, but not yet announced.
- 2022/23 Budget: £980,000
Extra Care Housing
Development of extra care units at Torre Marine
- Latest approval: Record of Decision - 1 March 2019
- Total estimated cost: £2,250,000
- 2022/23 Budget: £2,800,000
Additional funding from the Affordable Housing budget
- Latest approval: Cabinet – 18 February 2021
- Total estimated cost: £600,000
Additional funding from Adult Social Care Capital
- Latest approval: Cabinet – 21 September 2021
- Total estimated cost: £850,000
Additional funding from Brownfield Land Release Fund
- Latest approval: Cabinet – 16 November 2021
- Total estimated cost: £415,000
Tor Vista Housing Company Loan
Capital loan to Tor Vista to enable housing development at Preston Down Road site, Paignton.
- Latest approval: Council – 8 October 2020
- Total estimated cost: £23,000,000
- 2022/23 Budget: £750,000