At Full Council on 3 March, the 2022/23 budget was agreed and the Council Tax was set. The budget ensures there is investment into priority areas, such as the introduction of free passes for our toilets for our vulnerable residents and funding to create a £1 million climate investment fund.
Due to the financial impact of the pandemic and increasing costs, Council Tax will rise by 2.99%, which includes a 1% precept for adult social care.
We fully recognise the financial strain households are facing with increasing costs and the decision wasn’t taken lightly. We will work closely with our partners to ensure we offer support to those who need it.
Additional financial support for households will also be given through the £150 Council Tax rebate.
- Council Revenue and Capital Budget decisions made at Council meeting 3 March
- How your council tax is spent
- Council Tax Rebate
- Cabinet's Response to Consultation
- Consultation results
- Budget overview
- Chief Finance Officer’s Report
- Proposals for investment in services, efficiencies and income generation
- Review of reserves
- Capital Plan Covering Report
- Capital Strategy Covering Report
Provides a description of what each Council service does and how much it is proposed to spend next year, including how much income each service is expected to receive.
Proposed fees and charges for services in the 2022/2023 budget.
Facebook Live
On Wednesday 2 February we are holding our Budget Facebook Live where we will be sharing more information about the budget proposals. On this Live our panel who will be answering your questions will include the Leader of the Council, Cllr Steve Darling and Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Finance, Cllr Darren Cowell. If you do not have access to Facebook you can watch it on this webpage and you can send your questions to be answered during the Live to engagement@torbay.gov.uk.