The Leader of the Council and his Cabinet published their proposals for their first budget in December 2019. At that time, there was considerable uncertainty about the national and local financial position.
The consultation period has now ended and we have received our Funding Settlement from the Government. Together with a projected underspend on our budget for the current year, we are in a position to fund initiatives that both improve our partnership working and which will have longer-term benefits for our whole community.
The Cabinet’s response to the consultation is published below, together with the other documents which the Cabinet will be presenting to Council during February 2021 as we move towards setting the budget for 2021/2022.
Provides the Cabinet’s response to the consultation and the amended budget proposals.
Report of the public consultation carried out on the 2021/2022 budget proposals.
Set out details of the Cabinet’s updated proposals for service change, income generation and efficiencies.
Provides technical details to support the Cabinet’s budget proposals for 2021/2022.
This explains which capital schemes the Council plans to fund over the coming year.
The Cabinet’s proposals for the fees and charges for 2021/2022.
Provides a description of what each Council service does and how much it is proposed to spend next year, including how much income each service is expected to receive.
Sets out the principles to be used in the allocation of capital investment across the Council’s services and informs decisions on capital spending priorities.
Provides information about the Council’s financial reserves.
This is the key financial planning document and supports the Council in ensuring it can plan effectively for the use of resources in the medium team