The Council is committed to creating a prosperous and healthy Torbay and a Council fit to meet the challenges of the future. It’s a huge task; £18 million worth of savings and new income have to be made over the next three years to achieve a balanced budget - £9.6 million of those budget reductions will be made in 2018/19. That’s on top of the £69 million already made over the last seven years, which is the equivalent of 63% of this year’s £110 million net budget.
The Transformation Programme will deliver over £6 million of savings next year whilst maintaining services to our communities. In addition, almost £1.5 million of savings have been identified as a result of decisions we have made over the past year or changes that we already know about.
Following consultation, the Elected Mayor has amended his proposals. These also take account of changes to our funding announced by Government.
The proposals in the documents will be considered by the Full Council at its meetings in February 2018.
Provides the Mayor's proposals following the consultation period.
This sets out the strategies that the Council will use to rationalise the number of assets it has, replace then where appropriate and improve the quality of its remaining assets.
Provides a description of what each Council service does and how much it is proposed that they will spend next year including how much income they will receive. It sets out details of all of the draft proposals for service change, income generation and savings in order to produce a balanced budget for 2018/2019.
Where a proposal has been assessed as having a material impact on service users, an Equalities Impact Assessment has been prepared.
Proposed Fees and Charges for 2018/19.
This plan sets out what we will spend on capital projects.
Sets out the principles to be used in the allocation of capital investment across all the Council’s services and informs decisions on capital spending priorities within the Council’s four year Capital Plan.
Provides information about the Council's financial reserves.
This Plan is a rolling document that will be updated on an ongoing basis when changes are known e.g. legislation, funding notification and estimates of income and expenditure.
Incorporating the Annual Investment Strategy and the Minimum Revenue Provision Policy.
This survey was open between 30th October and 8th December 2017