Find out about our Inclusion Plan survey.
Inclusion means that everyone feels welcome and supported.
We want you to have your say.
We know that is important to help people when they need it.
We want Torbay to be a fair place, a safe place and an inclusive place.
The Plan also talks about how Torbay Council will make sure it works fairly with its staff and partners. By partners we mean organisations like the police or the NHS and local community groups.
The Council will treat people fairly.
The Council will help people to feel safe.
The Council will help people to feel welcome and supported when they use our services.
The Council will help people to have the same life chances and opportunities.
The Council will have good relationships with different communities and will listen to what they tell us.
How old they are.
If they were looked after by someone other than their family growing up.
If they have a different gender identity or are questioning their gender.
If they have a disability.
If they are married or in a civil partnership.
Their ethnicity.
What they believe.
If they are having or recently had a baby.
If they are male or female.
Who they find attractive.
We know that some people who are members are of the armed forces community are treated unfairly. We do not do this.
Our leaders will be inclusive and we will understand how our actions may impact different groups of people.
Tell the organisations and people that the Council buys services and products from that inclusion is important to the Council.
Continue to complete the actions from the Racism Review.
Support our staff to understand what they need to do and how they need to behave to be inclusive.
Continue to raise awareness of the importance of reasonable adjustments.
Reasonable adjustments are small changes which the law says must be made so that people with disabilities can use services as easily as everyone else.
They may be small changes but they make a big difference to the lives of people with disabilities. For example, making sure everyone can access information about our services.
The group will be made up of organisations working with different communities and people who make decisions in the Council.
The Council and the group will write an action plan which will say how the Council can become more inclusive.
We want to ask you some questions to help us to decide what will be in the plan.
For most questions, please tick the box for your answer.
For some questions, there is a space for you to write your answer.
You do not have to answer all the questions.
If you have any questions please contact Laura Hill, Partnerships and Inclusion Manager by emailing or phone 01803 208254.
Please email your survey to
Please post your survey to Laura Hill, Policy, Performance and Engagement, Torbay Council, Town Hall, Castle Circus, Torquay, TQ1 3DR.
Please tell us your thoughts by 23:59PM on Sunday 02 March 2025.
Thank you for your time. You will find the final Inclusion Plan on our website once it has been approved.