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Proposed Boundary Changes to Brixham Conservation Area

Local conservation areas are being reviewed. We need your help to best understand, protect and enhance them.

This consultation will run from Monday 9 December 2024 to Monday 13 January 2025

We are working in partnership with Purcell. We are doing a review and update of the Brixham Town Conservation Area Appraisal. This is part of a larger project funded by the Heritage Places partnership with the National Lottery Heritage Fund. It aims to update conservation area appraisals throughout Torbay.

The boundary of the Brixham Town Conservation Area was last reviewed in 2016. There was a review of the area in 2024. We would now like feedback on proposed changes to the boundary of the conservation area. This will take place over the next 5 weeks.

We must undertake and publish assessments of conservation areas, known as appraisals. We must do this from time and time and consult with the public on the proposed changes. This is required through the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990.

Conservation Areas are defined as:

  • “Areas of special architectural or historic interest. The character or appearance of which it is desirable to preserve or enhance”.

They are designed to help protect the characteristics of a specific area. This includes their architectural and historic interests. This is what makes them a distinctive and unique place.

We are proposing boundary changes in some areas. This is to account for unmanaged incremental changes. These, over time, have diluted the character of an area. We also want to include areas of architectural and historic interest of the area.

The review recommends the following boundary changes:


  1. Furzeham Primary and Nursery School
  2. Terraces at:
    • North Furzeham Road
    • Higher Furzeham Road
    • Bella Vista Road
    • Alma Road
    • Holborn Road


  1. Development to the south of Bolton Street
  2. Terraces on Garlic Rea, Rea House and south side of Elkins Hill
  3. Battery Gardens, Oxen Cove, Northern Quay and environs

Brixham Town Conservation Area Appraisal Bounday Review Consultation Document. November 2024

Find maps and further information on the proposed boundary changes.

We are recognising the special architectural and historic interest of the town. Conservation area designation also brings some additional planning controls. These help to guard against inappropriate work, such as:

  • rules covering demolition
  • development
  • advertising
  • tree protection
You can find further information here

Consultation period

The consultation period will run from Monday 9 December 2024 to Monday 13 January 2025:

Heritage and Design Team
Planning Department
Torbay Council
Town Hall
Castle Circus

We will consider all comments before deciding on any changes to the boundary. The updated document will go to full public consultation in the Spring of 2025.


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