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Working Age Council Tax reduction

Find out more about reducing your Council Tax bill if you are of working age and how to claim.

If you're on a low income and are of working age you could get help to pay your Council Tax bill from 1 April 2024.

You can ask for help if you:

  • pay Council Tax for your property (you will need your account reference number)
  • the property you live in is your main home
  • are of working age (below state pension age)
  • have less than £6000 in capital, savings and investments.

How much help you could get

If you or your partner get any of the following benefits, they are called ‘passported benefits’. 

  • Income Support,
  • Jobseeker’s Allowance (income-based),
  • Employment and Support Allowance (income-related) 

You will automatically get 75% off your bill, but you still need to apply for Working Age Council Tax Reduction.

Weekly income figures 2024/2025
Amount of Discount Single person Couple Single with 1 Child Single with 2+ children Couple with 1 child Couple with 2+ children
75% You get a passported benefit You get a passported benefit You get a passported benefit You get a passported benefit You get a passported benefit You get a passported benefit
75% £0 to £102 £0 to £149 £0 to £176 £0 to £256 £0 to £230 £0 to £310
55% £102.01 to £132 £149.01 to £189 £176.01 to £216 £256.01 to £296 £230.01 to £270 £310.01 to £350
40% £132.01 to £162 £189.01 to £229 £216.01 to £256 £296.01 to £336 £270.01 to £310 £350.01 to £390
20% £162.01 to £192 £229.01 to £269 £256.01 to £296 £336.01 to £376 £310.01 to £350 £390.01 to £430
0% Over £192 Over £269 Over £296 Over £376 Over £350 Over £430
Weekly income figures 2025/2026
Amount of Discount Single person Couple Single with 1 Child Single with 2+ children Couple with 1 child Couple with 2+ children
75% You get a passported benefit You get a passported benefit You get a passported benefit You get a passported benefit You get a passported benefit You get a passported benefit
75% £0 to £104 £0 to £152 £0 to £179 £0 to £261 £0 to £234 £0 to £316
55% £104.01 to £135 £152.01 to £193 £179.01 to £220 £261.01 to £302 £234.01 to £275 £316.01 to £356
40% £135.01 to £165 £193.01 to £233 £220.01 to £261 £302.01 to £342 £275.01 to £316 £356.01 to £397
20% £165.01 to £196 £233.01 to £274 £261.01 to £302 £342.01 to £383 £316.01 to £356 £397.01 to £438
0% Over £196 Over £274 Over £302 Over £383 Over £356 Over £438

Types of income we don’t include

When we work out your income we do not include:

  • Child Benefit, Child Maintenance, and child-care costs
  • Personal Independence Payments
  • Disability benefits such as Disability Living Allowance
  • Carers Allowance
  • Support Component of Employment Support Allowance
  • War pensions, war disablement pensions and Armed Forces Independence Payments

Your income if you work

If you are working, we do not include some of your wages each week in our calculation. The amount depends on your household.

Household Type Wage Disregard Amount
Single Person £5
Couple £10
Disability £20
Single Parent £25
Additional Earnings Disregard £17.10 when you or your partner are aged over 25, have children and work more than 16 hours a week
Additional Earnings Disregard £17.10 when you or your partner are aged over 25, have no children and work more than 30 hours a week


The income we use to calculate how much Council Tax Reduction we will give you might be different from your self-employed accounts. This is because our scheme includes a Minimum Income Floor.

What information we need to know

When you apply for help you will need to tell us:

  • your Council Tax reference number, which can be found on your latest Council Tax bill
  • how much you and your partner earn, If you are in receipt of Universal Credit this will be shown on your award letter
  • how much tax, national insurance and pension contributions you pay
  • how much non-earned income and benefits you get

You will need to upload the following documents as evidence which must be complete and easy to read. If they are not it will delay our decision:

  • the National Insurance (NI) number or proof that you have applied for one for each person shown on the Council Tax bill. Documents containing National Insurance numbers:
    • HMRC correspondence
    • wage slips
    • National Insurance card
    • bank statement where DWP benefits are paid into. This must show your National Insurance number in the transaction reference
  • your latest Universal Credit award letter

Applying for help

You can apply for Working Age Council Tax Reduction from 1 April 2024.

Apply for Working Age Council Tax reduction

You will need an email address in order to apply. If you don’t have an email address, please contact us by telephoning 01803 207201.

What happens next

Once you have applied for Council Tax Reduction:

  • you will see the result as soon as you have submitted your application
  • we'll send you an email confirming the result - we won't send you a letter
  • we will check the information you have given us
  • we will email you if:
    • we need more information from you
    • we reject your application

Once we process your application we will send you a new Council Tax bill showing the new instalments you will need to pay.

You must keep paying the instalments shown on your current bill until you hear from us. If your account goes into credit we will give you a refund.

Change of circumstances

You must tell us as soon as your circumstances change.

After telling us about your changes you will need to reapply for Working Age Council Tax Reduction.

Tell us about a change

To cancel your Working Age Council Tax Reduction

If there has been a change in your circumstances and you no longer wish to claim Working Age Council Tax Reduction.

Cancel Working Age Council Tax Reduction

More information

For full details of our scheme please read the council tax support policy.