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Unoccupied, empty and uninhabitable

Find out about applying for a reduction in council tax if your property is not lived in.

We can charge a premium on properties that have been empty for more than a year.

From 1 April 2024, we can charge a premium of 100% once a property has been empty for one year. We can do this even if it becomes empty before 1 April 2024.

Charges and premiums on empty properties
Length of time empty Prior to 1 April 2024 From 1 April 2024
0 to 12 months 100% charge 100% charge
12 to 24 months 100% charge 200% charge
Over 2 years 200% charge 200% charge
Over 5 years 300% charge 300% charge
Over 10 years 400% charge 400% charge
Tell us a property is unoccupied and unfurnished

Major structural repairs

If the property is having major structural repairs it may be possible to delay the premium for a year. It would then not start until the property has been empty for three years. This would only apply if ongoing work is going to take over 12 months.

If you think a property should be removed from the Council Tax list you can challenge your Council Tax band. This would depend on the level of work that needs to be done.

Challenge your Council Tax band

What happens next

Once we get your application we will make a decision within 14 days. We will contact you if:

  • we cannot give you an exemption
  • we need more information to process your application
  • We need to visit the pitch or mooring

If your application is successful, you will get a new council tax bill showing your reduction.


If we refuse your application and you don't agree with our decision you can appeal. Once we get your appeal we will decide within two months. 

Appeal against a decision