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Find out about applying for a reduction in council tax for an annexe.

You may be able to get a reduced bill for an annexe.

Annexes that are lived in

You may not have to pay council tax for an annexe if:

  • it forms part of a single property
  • a dependant relative is living in it as their main or only home

For this reduction to apply a relative is a:

  • husband, wife or partner
  • parent
  • child, grandchild or great-grandchild
  • grandparent or great-grandparent
  • brother or sister
  • uncle, aunt, great-uncle or great-aunt
  • nephew, niece, great-nephew or great-niece

For this reduction to apply a dependant is:

  • over 65 years old
  • substantially or permanently disabled
  • severely mentally impaired
Tell us an annexe is lived in by a dependant relative

If a relative lives in the annexe, the person paying the main property’s council tax could be eligible for a 50% discount.

Annexes that are not lived in

You may not have to pay council tax for an annexe if:

  • it is separately banded
  • it forms part of a single property
  • it can’t be let separately from the property without a breach of planning control
Tell us an annexe is empty

Let us know if the person living in the main property is using the annexe as part of their main home. You may get a 50% reduction.

Tell us an annexe is part of the main home

What happens next

After applying you must still pay the amount on your council tax bill until you hear from us.

We'll check every year that you should still get the discount. We may cancel your discount if you don't reply when we contact you.

Tell us about a change

If you no longer qualify or something changes you must tell us within 21 days. You may have to pay a fine if you don't tell us.

Tell us about a change


If we refuse your application and you don't agree with our decision you can appeal. Once we get your appeal we will decide within two months. 

Appeal against a decision